can my tears.... [entries|friends|calendar]

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Not Open for Business [04 Apr 2030|05:07pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Regina Spektor - The Call ]


Guidelines [04 Jan 2009|05:19pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars ]

Just a few standards stated:
➊ I like people who can type decently.
➋ Be open-minded and open for other's people's opinions.
➌ Mutual interests in series, music, games, movies, books, etc. is a big plus.
➍ Don't try to freeload off of me.
➎ Personal journal. Contains real life.
➏ CUTS are your friends. Please use them for long surveys, quizzes, spoilers, big images, etc.
➐ Don't be bringing your drama up in here. It's not cool.
➑ A short explanation on why you'd like to add me/where you found me is appreciated, but not required. ♥


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