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Sally Roth

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Meme: AU: Fancy Date. [14 Feb 2013|11:09pm]
The dress certainly wasn't skimpy. That was for sure. The staring happened anyway. Her control was better than it had been, but maybe it was because she was nervous about such a fancy occasion. But her fathers had been so excited about her going, and it really was a lovely party, just ...

"Sorry," she whispered as she tried to gauge whether people were looking at her.
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Island Meme. [28 Jan 2013|09:56pm]
After the accident, Sally just hoped her family was okay, that everyone else was okay. That she would be okay as she swam to some random shore would be nice, too, but not as high a priority.

The swim, the battering she'd taken in the storm -- she'd expended a lot of energy.

She was trying so hard not to be hungry.

When she hauled herself out of the water and onto the sand, clothes torn to rags and dripping wet...Oh gosh, was someone already here?
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AU Meme Response: Pillow Talk Massage [14 Aug 2012|11:44pm]
It said something about the quantity and quality of lovemaking that had been happening that Sally was straddled across the back of his legs, kneading into his back. Because the strength that was necessary to really give Jon Kent a thorough massage was considerable, even if the strength is fueled by demonic magics.

"I didn't take too much, did I?" she always worries. "You're feeling okay? Do you need anything?"
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The teen years are tough. [29 Aug 2010|10:12pm]
It was a little noisier than usual at Casa Roth-Flores this afternoon.

"Dad, you're saying who KNEW this would happen?"
"Sweetie, of course I didn't know this would happen, but.... I was worried something would happen."
"And you didn't TELL ME? 'Your mother just wasn't ready to be a parent, sweetheart' is NOT a substitute for 'Your Mother had Ho--"
"Shhh. Sally! Think of the neighbors."
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