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BOBBIN, abigail

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[02 Oct 2008|09:12pm]
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[24 Jul 2008|09:34pm]
A person of substantial success does not come by their position without having found a way to face their obstacles as though they were little more than bumps in the road of life. Hardly anything should rouse so much panic as panic itself, the embodiment of a severe loss of control over one's own person. There is absolutely no reason for things to turn out wrongly if a person remains calm and views all unpleasant situations as still yet another opportunity to propel themselves higher into what they wish to become or where they ultimately wish to be. Nothing exists, has existed, or will ever exist that cannot be altered from a detrimental thing to a wonderful thing, if only someone knows the correct moves to make. Life is, after all, what you make of it, isn't it?
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[16 May 2008|09:06pm]
After all of this hard work and preparation, the second apothecary is finally about to open. Father reports that it'll be just four weeks until the actual event, as there are still a few things that he and Malcolm need to take care of. The structure itself is marvelous, as I'm sure that all of you can tell from the outside, but the inside is even more magnificent. I chose the color scheme myself, so I can personally assure you that it's all very pleasing to the eye.

I need something special to wear to the grand opening, and at least I can be grateful that I've got four weeks to find something suitable.
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[20 Apr 2008|10:41am]
It is so unbelievably depressing this time of year. Rainy, grey skies -- No, not just grey skies. Is it just me or does this entire place look excessively grey? Could anywhere be nearly as dull? I miss blue skies and the warm sun, where has all of that gone off to? My guess is probably somewhere far more interesting than where I'm currently located. I do believe that is time for a vacation. Perhaps I might even miss home once I'm gone, though I wouldn't dare hold my breath on that. Quite honestly, I really don't care much where I go off to, as long as the sun shines bright and I don't need to dodge puddles wherever I go.

Pulling Malcolm away from his work would be unfair, and so I am opening an invitation for someone else to accompany me. I could surely use some fresh ideas, anyway. Malcolm is only ever interested in visiting all of the same places over and over again and it does get tiresome. It's more than high time for someplace new.
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[19 Apr 2008|11:41pm]
abigail olette bobbin )
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