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Ericka : [26 Apr 2013|06:54am]
I hope it feels as nice as it looks today. I'm already excited to get up and spend my day outdoors.
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Trevor : [11 Apr 2013|03:14pm]
I've got a C in Spanish but all A's and B's in my other classes. Mom's proud. I'm thrilled. Things in the Skerrett world are changing for the better. I'm gonna miss AbiRem and Mickey when they're gone for two weeks but I believe Corey promised a COD marathon this Saturday. Should be great. I'm gonna try and get Mom to play.
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Corey : [11 Apr 2013|03:13pm]
Two months left of working. Three months on vacation. I'm so close to doing my happy dance.
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Trevor : [08 Jul 2012|05:26pm]
So I broke my wrist. Sucks being in a cast when it's this hot outside. Ugh. I can't even play video games because I can't hold the controller.
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Renae : [15 Jun 2012|01:47pm]
One week left. Just keep swimming.
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Corey : [22 May 2012|06:34pm]
Summer approaches. I start worrying about humidity and bugs. You know, forget that I can be lazy and have a summer off, no, I wanna worry about the bad things like being uncomfortable and sticky and itching like hell. I love my mind.
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Ericka : [22 May 2012|06:33pm]
So I am late in posting but I had the most wonderful Mother's Day thanks to my wonderful son, Trevor. I love you buddy.
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Nikon : [22 May 2012|06:32pm]
So this chick I moved in with is really really weird. I think I liked living with Corey better... and that's a strange thing to hear myself think.
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Paul : [22 May 2012|06:32pm]
Going to China for two weeks. Be back in two weeks.
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Renae : [22 May 2012|06:31pm]
I just had a geekout. 0_0
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Trevor : [22 May 2012|06:30pm]
I am counting down the last three weeks until summer vacation. I am so excited.
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Paul : [11 Apr 2012|10:05pm]
I am done with interns. ALL OF THEM ARE MORONS. I AM DONE.
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Corey : [11 Apr 2012|10:01pm]
I had the yarn nightmare again. No I don't want to talk about it. Not sure why I even mentioned it. Ericka thinks I am insane. I agree with her.
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Renae : [24 Mar 2012|02:41am]
INTERNET! My loving, adoring, sexy sexy internet. I didn't forget you existed, (not completely anyways) I was just very busy with work, (not a lie).

I'll be back more, things tend to slow down at work at this point. Rushes back up as summer rolls in.
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Trevor : [24 Mar 2012|01:34am]
AbiRem has a boyfriend named Mickey. He's from England. He's pretty cool. Almost as cool as Corey.
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Corey : [24 Mar 2012|01:33am]
It's the weekend. The weather's been great. I have the greatest fiance in the world. I'm a pretty happy man. :)
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Nikon : [19 Mar 2012|12:31am]
I really fucking hate people. A deep down, unmatched hatred. They are so fucking dumb. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID?!?!
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Ericka : [19 Mar 2012|12:29am]
Sent Trevor off for the night to be with AbiRem and Mickey. Spent the morning out shopping for shoes. I think it's time I show them off to Corey.
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Ericka : [04 Mar 2012|11:43pm]
I found my dress! The dress. *Ahhh!!!* I'm too excited.
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Paul : [08 Feb 2012|12:53am]
March 12th 2012. Keep that in mind.
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