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Urban Word of the Day

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BLUF [08 Apr 2020|12:00am]

An acronym for "Bottom Line Up Front" that is frequently used in informal military correspondence and internal/informal corporate e-mails to cover the main points of an e-mail so the reader can quickly understand what the e-mail is saying before reading the whole, lengthy e-mail.



BLUF:UrbanDictionary.com is a great resource for employees to look up slang expressions customers use

(Paragraph 1-Point #1 on why urbandictionary.com is so awesome)

(Paragraph 2-Point #2 on why urbandictionary.com is so awesome)

(Paragraph 3-Point #3 on why urbandictionary.com is so awesome)

Very Respectfully,

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[ viewing | April 8th, 2020 ]
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