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Meeting the Titans, the Gold Sentinel Way (Open to Titans) [15 Aug 2010|12:27am]
 Scott appeared at the Tower quickly. The new Valorium flight system worked great: just a few minutes at 20% power, and he was in San Fransisco. 

"<font color="orange">You liked the speed, didn't you sir?</font>" Scooter asked, currently in his integrated position in the suit.

"Indeed, Scooter. I think we will try 40% on the way home. That should be fun."

Scott landed on the front of the island with Titan's Tower and looked around.

"I wonder if anyone's home."
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Invention Time! With Scott and Dinah [07 Jun 2010|01:51pm]
Scott had heard word from Henry about Goldstar being out on the town. One thought popped to his head.

Must run distractionary tactics for Dinah. Like that time Aqualad went on a date with Wonder Girl, and I asked Sora to take me flying to the Lantern Land Amusement Parks.

Oh Lantern Land. How sad to know it'd be another 430 years before you'd even be built.

Still, one thing was sure. So Scott flew down by Dinah to get her to take them back to Western Time in the Bug and got her in the lab. Two smoothies, some blaring AC/DC and a wall of tools built up from 21st century tech.

"So, Miss Kord, how about we make that Beetle Baton?"
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Scott West Test Post: Keystone [30 Mar 2010|11:05pm]
Scott West looked around.

"So... Keystone City... Any info on our home away from home, Scooter?" Scott looked over at the little hovering disk shaped drone.

"Of course, sir. This is the home of the Flash, Walter West. Your ancestor via a Miss Iris West. Also has a few villains, including a team called the Rogues." The disk's visor blinked it's two red optical sensors, then looked at Scott.

"Yes, Scooter... I think this may be a grand place to make my entrance... Heh, think how ticked the Rogues would get to know their legacies result in me copying their tech? Gold Sentinel, Hero of the 26th Century!"

"Very original, sir..." The little hovering robot just looks at Scott.

"Hush, you." Scott activated his jet boots and began to hover, floating along the sidewalk with his robot, looking around. "So, think anything fun will happen soon?"

"Only time will tell, sir. And with a broken chronoporter, we'll just have to wait.

"Fair enough, Scooter."

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