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Vanessa Fairchild Lordes

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[002] [16 Apr 2009|03:27am]
Well, it would appear that Eddie and I have returned from our honeymoon. Technically we got back Tuesday afternoon, but it's taken me until this morning to recover.

The cruise was amazing, and Jamaica was absolutely breath taking. And there was so much weed that neither of us could partake of. We'll definitely have to make another trip there at some point. When I'm not pregnant...

Once again, thank you to every one that came to the wedding. I hope you all haven't missed us too much!

If anyone needs me, I'll be the one that looks like an extremely sunburnt whale on Eddie's couch for the next few days.
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[001] [04 Apr 2009|04:09am]
The dress rehearsal for the wedding is Saturday at 6:30 PM at Eddie's house.

Be there or be square, my lovely wedding party.
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