Storscrom's shitty fucking icons' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Storscrom's shitty fucking icons

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Transformers [90] [23 Sep 2008|08:49pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf Ft. Lil' Wayne ]

[90] Assorted G1/misc icons
- I'm too lazy to make a big list of who and what. SUCK IT UP, JUNIOR.
Some icons are NSFW. They contain cursing or adult humor hurnur.
Some are from older posts.

1.) All icons without text are bases and may be customized. Hell, customize any of them, I don't care.
2.) Please comment! You don't have to, but it'd make me smile. :) As long as the comments are friendly. :);;;
3.) Credit is not mandatory, but it'd be nice!
4.) Posts may be x-posted to various other sites. If you wish to comment, you can do so via anon or, if you have one, as your Scribbld username. Add your LJ/IJ/etc whatever in your comment so maybe I can see it later and go "d'awww that's mah bebe." Or merely comment on the post where I linked you.

But it broke his heart / so he turned and stuck his middle finger / to the world to the world to the world )

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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2008 ]
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