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Meme Response - Minnie - Sex - Controlled [22 Jan 2012|11:59am]
Lisa stepped away from the stereo, having put on her favorite background noise cd, thunderstorms. She gave a glance across the room at Julian, and they exchanged smiles and nods. She then advanced on the bed, heels clicking against the floor, eying the person waiting for her.

"Alright Minnie..." She says quietly. "You understand the rules of the game?" Her lips curl into a canine-exposing smile.
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Backdated June 21 - Nothing Like a Death Sentence For Your Birthday [05 Sep 2011|11:26pm]
Lisa reclined after Julian lead her to the couch, Minnie having already politely departed. She stretched out an arm and held his hand, appreciating the security of having someone around. The mild grogginess of having been fed on still paled in comparison to the diagnosis Nemesis had given her.
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AU - This is What Happens When You Don't Keep People Informed [07 Aug 2011|08:13pm]
Lisa was enjoying her afternoon off. Julian's secretary had informed him he'd stepped out for a few hours, so she'd taken it upon herself to slip into something less comfortable but a lot more interesting, and wait for him in his office. She made herself comfortable, setting herself up in his chair with the laptop he'd gotten her, and a bottle of good scotch.
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E-mail [19 Jul 2011|04:56pm]
Subj: Hey

Just thought I'd say... I don't know if we're going to end up being 'friends', but I definitely don't want to be your enemy.

- Lisa
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Want and Withdrawal [15 Jul 2011|03:29am]
( You are about to view content that may not be appropriate for minors. )
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'Character Trailer' AU [13 Jul 2011|11:32pm]
Image of a brick wall, fist bursts through it.

Text scrolls across the screen.

Image of Lisa using various superpowers flash past, her laughing in ecstasy in each one.



Close up on her face.

"What am I?" She laughs, then the music cuts out. "I'm hungry." Zoom in on bared teeth.
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Milestones [28 Jun 2011|06:08pm]
Lisa Graves is six years old, and dreams of flying.

Lisa Graves is eight years years old, and has the walls of her room covered with pictures of Avengers, X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. There's barely room for her new sister's crib after all the decorating she does.

Lisa Graves is sixteen years old, and there is a whole new world of sensations in front of her. She can be anything she can get within reach of.

Lisa Graves is sixteen years old, and her father doesn't call her 'princess' anymore. Her mother doesn't wish her sweet dreams.

Lisa Graves is eighteen years old, and she leaves without looking back.

Lisa Graves is nineteen years old, and she sees a man she may never leave.

Lisa Graves is nineteen years old, and the world is bigger than she let herself dream before.
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Hunting Grounds [05 Feb 2010|09:17pm]
Her friends told her she was an addict. She told them that so far as addictions went, hers didn't cost her a penny, didn't carry any risk of cancer, and the places she found herself at 2 or 3 in the morning were a lot nicer than on the corner looking to score a rock or joint.

So, she was at her usual haunt on the Middle East Side, or "Mutant Town" as it had become more commonly known. She knew she was dressed to kill, and was just looking for someone to have a good time with. If she could try something new, all the better. For the moment however, she had a nice virgin cocktail to keep her company.
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