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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Funny Stuff [31 Mar 2008|03:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Random funny/ fun things I have heard in the last 48 hours.

me: What are you thinking about?
James: I am thinking I want to start a family with you.

Random Guy @ Bar: I'm too fat to fuck.

Toopoor: Use the cum stun gun on his ass!

Terra: Is this shit all you guys can talk about? Sucking eachothers cocks off? If so you all need a fucking vacation, go to Amsterdam or something and get your dick out of your friend's hand you gay fucks!
Zarcia: Well I'd love to and all but if I did that I'd have to get my dick out of your mouth and i really like it where it is.
Binzy:He needs to open his mouth wider I can hear your dick grinding on his teeth man!
Eps:Nah it's good like it is. You are talking about a mouth that can only stretch to 4inches with dick that is only 4.5, it feels better that way. He is maxing out his mouth elasticity.

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[ viewing | March 31st, 2008 ]
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