§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Hey Gang [15 Apr 2008|10:48am]
[ mood | groggy ]

It's been some time since I have updated. I don't even really have much to update on except the fact that this month pretty much sucks with how busy shit has been. I'm growing broke just THINKING about wedding stuff. I still need shoes and a wedding gift, have to make sure I have enough money for tolls, gas, and the hotel....I need to make more money.

I have realized a lot of things in my time away, good and bad things and I have learned about myself in the aspect of things I really want to do and the steps I need to take to get there. I have also realized the things I take for granted....I'm a wreck but I am pulling myself together slowly.

I don't have anything exciting to talk about. I have put a lot of things on hold when it comes to guys and how I THOUGHT I felt about some of them.

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Vile City [15 Apr 2008|10:53am]
[ mood | tired ]

I forgot....

I have been playing this game online. Vile City. I am addicted and have only been playing for an exact 2 months. I wanted to post a link to it so people can check it out and try playing. It's a fun way to pass time. It's only REALLY fun if you join a gang because then you make friends and learn how to play the game better. If anyone signs up and needs help let me know!

I could really use some people i know on there.

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[ viewing | April 15th, 2008 ]
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