§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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A date :D [01 May 2008|10:59am]
[ mood | optimistic ]

I went out with Brendon last night. Idk if it was a date or not but it was really nice. I'd say we had a good time. Went to get something to eat and it was early as fuck when we were done and being he came from DC to hang out I felt bad just being like "ok well see ya later" so we went to some place down the road in Clarendon for a beer and called it a night.

We were supposed to go out on Friday but we had been talking on the phone yesturday from 5:30 to about 8:30 and he just said he had a good idea and that we should go out then so we did. It was nice. I am really happy you guys he is such a sweetheart. He is softspoken though haha it's totally cute but I feel bad cuz I say "what?" a lot.

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