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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Sexual Healing [11 Jun 2008|08:50pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]

So I was thinking and contemplating on sensuality and the things that may or may not lead to sex. I am looking at 2 people with their lips pressed together, and that is all. What makes a kiss so wonderful? What makes someone elses mouth on yours feel right? I never really thought about it, what makes a kiss special, why a kiss can lead to so much more.

It's strange to me. It feels wonderful, it's nice to feel soft lips on yours but it's also so very strange to me how the simple act of kissing someone can manipulate feelings of love and lust. A kiss can make a friendship an intimate relationship. A kiss can lead to the sensual traces of someone's hands against your body, then it drives your body to want to melt into that person, it makes you crave more, it sparks emotions, needs, desires.

It's a mouth touching another mouth....

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M*A*S*H [11 Jun 2008|11:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Behold... My Future
  I will marry James.  
  After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in New Jersey in our fabulous Apartment.  
  We will have 2 kid(s) together.  
  Our family will zoom around in a Purple Prelude.
  I will spend my days as a Graphics teacher, and live happily ever after.  
whats your future

HOW PERFECT IS THAT!? Hahahah everything is awesome, id love for it to happen for real....tho after a while id want a HOUSE in jersey....lol cant live in an apartment with 2 kids forever.

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[ viewing | June 11th, 2008 ]
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