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average girl #98745963 ([info]unnamed_comet) wrote in [info]animeaddme,
@ 2008-05-23 14:13:00

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Current music:Damien Rice - Coconut Skins

I figured I'd join this community. Anyway, the name's Lene. I'm a shy 18-year-old girl who is trying to find her place in the big world.
I spend my days sleeping, reading, studying, watching anime and listening to music. So yeah, basically I have no social life.

1. anime/manga: Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion( all-time favorite),
Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei, Goth, Vulgar Ghost Daydream, Uzumaki, Blood +, Gintama, Doraemon, Black Lagoon, Makoto Shinkai works, studio Ghibli works, Jigoku Shoujo and many more.

2. music: Big Bang, TMGE, MOT, Nell, Supe, ACIDMAN, Sung Si Kyung, Asobi Seksu, Nirvana, Metallica, Korn, Adema, Shiina Ringo, Machine Head, Fightstar, Natalie Walker, Josh Pyke.

3. authors: Victor Hugo, Haruki Murakami, Yukio Mishima, Washington Irving, Astrid Lindgren, Marina Tsvetaeva, Alexander Blok, Kazuo Ishiguro.

4. current obsession: Heroes :D

That's all, folks!

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2008-05-23 04:26 pm UTC (link)
What's Vulgar Ghost Daydream about? It sounds interesting.

I hope it's okay if I add you =]

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2008-05-23 06:05 pm UTC (link)
Hey! Sure, add me^^

Well, VGD is a horror manga about a young albino woman who is an necromancer. There's also an OVA, but I haven't seen it.Heh,I make it sound boring, don't I? But it's really worth to read the manga, just because it's hauntingly beautiful.
Anyway, you should check out an article on Wikipedia for more information:D

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