Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy


September 8th, 2011

Text to Rosa

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Luka grins
Thundercats GO!

July 3rd, 2011

Birthday Owl for Rosa

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Luka breaking out the dimples
Luka sent a present by owl to Rosa for her birthday. It may have arrived a few days late due to weather.

The card attached read:

May 3rd, 2011

Scheduling for Next Year (open to 3rd years through university students)

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Nathaniel Dawkins
Upperclassmen had been sent home with pamphlets over spring break to think about their options for the next semester. Third year students could pick up an elective for their freshmen year, fourth years could pick up two electives as sophomores; those meetings tended to go the quickest. It was the meetings with fifth years and beyond that tended to take up the full 15 minutes alloted to them.

These students had to receive recommendations to take advanced classes, or opt to take electives. Last year Nathaniel Dawkins had tried to talk everyone out of taking magical crafting, if only because that class filled up so fast they had to open another section of it. He had their files arranged already; all the students signed up for time slots earlier in the week. Professors had already sent Dawkin's their recommendations; those had been read and placed among their academic transcripts.

The university students were another group altogether. They had to select a mentor and core focus for their fall semester and if they could look ahead and think about what they wanted in the spring as well. They'd need additional meetings later in the semester with their chosen mentor; thankfully that was out of Dawkin's hands.

Students would be wandering in and out of classes for their fifteen minute blocks, but this was the standard practice for this time of year. Dr. Dawkins was ready, about as ready as he ever was.

OOC Notes )

April 30th, 2011

Email to Rosana

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adelaide: not happy
To: Rosana Salazar Belo Cordozo Riosomghavelessnames (rosanacordozorios@dresden.edu)
From: Adelaide Legaux (adelaidelegaux@dresden.edu)
Date: April 29, 2011, 10:12 PM

So whats the fastest, least painful way to get a dress that doesn't involve you dragging me to a billon stores to try shit on for a whole ewekend?

April 27th, 2011

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rosana: amused
Who: Rosana And Nikolai
When: Tuesday night after this
Where: Niko's room in Putnam
What: Rosa goes to visit Niko.
Rating: Not sure. Probably slightly NSFW?

After she left Luka's, Rosa briefly considered going upstairs to get Nico but ultimately decided against it and headed straight for Putnam House. She just wanted to see her Niko, and having Nico there might just make it difficult. As soon as she stepped outside though, she had wished she'd gone to her room and picked up a jacket or something. With a scowl, she hugged herself and trudged on in the direction of Putnam. It was the one setback about going to a school this far north in the U.S.: the weather. In Brazil it would be at least ten degrees warmer if not more, and while that might not seem like a lot, it certainly did make a difference.

She slunk into Putnam without her usual stride, and glanced around to see if anyone noticed her slip up. Thankfully no one was around to see it at the moment, so she practically scurried up the stairs to Niko's room. When she reached his room, she walked right in - knowing it to be unlocked - shut the door behind her and turned to see Nikolai lounging on his bed.

With a smile, she slipped over and onto the bed with him, curling up next to him and nuzzling him.

"Hello," she purred.

April 26th, 2011

The Plot to Woo

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Who: Luka and Rosana
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Luka's room in Clemons House.
What: Rosa comes to have a chat with Luka.
Rating: Not sure yet.

Luka had no idea what he'd done to garner Rosa's attention at the moment. There was one thing he definitely knew: when she asked for an audience you made damn sure to be there. He asked Arnaud as politely as he could manage to clear off and as soon as he mentioned who was coming his roommate was gone.

He opened his door and made himself comfortable on his bed to wait for his guest. At the very least it was going to be an interesting evening.

Text to Luka

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rosana: go on...
your room in 2 minutes. no excuses.

Text to Manney

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rosana: well now...
how does your brother feel about my bb girl?

April 21st, 2011

Texts From Over Break

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Huletts Landing
Just to keep it streamlined, here's a post for texting that happened over spring break between students.

Be sure to put in the subject line who the text is to and from and if you want include the time.

And remember: texts have a maximum of 160 characters.

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