Dresden Out of Character - So Then This Happened

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March 12th, 2012

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06:17 pm - So Then This Happened
In lieu of making a third new character I'm porting over some old characters and bringing back a retiree (because let's be honest, I've been playing her more here than anywhere else; it's like she was never really gone). I've been keen to play more in St. George's and the surrounding area with the adults/alumni. There's one more that might come over after this batch, but I'm going to cool my heels a little bit.

The Ford Family Proper: Abby Ford you all know. She's sometimes pretending to be Bernadine. Sometimes she's herself. Depends on the situation (I'll be posting with her from this journal from now on, until I decide I've confused myself again). Her brother you've probably met. His name is Timmy Ford and he's a really excellent squib. Her dad you probably haven't met, but you may have read about him. His name is Bill Ford and he's got a whole lot of secrets and baggage that I'm aching to explore. He's a cool guy and he might be seen around campus or at the pub with James Walsh. Then there's Abby's Aunt Veruca Kidd. At the moment she has her head shoved up Bill's ass. It'll probably stay there, but I'll try to rectify that and get her some friends. Or something.

The other de Kooning boy: You may have read about Valentin de Kooning, Stasi's older brother. Well, I'm letting him loose here. He may end up teaching at Dresden, though I'm not entirely sure he's qualified for it.

The Nikitin bitch: Then there's Elena Nikitin, Luka's older sister. She's a cantankorous bitch and a lawyer for the NY Wizengamot, so if you end up in need of counsel, she'll serve all your needs. Not entirely sure what to do with her, but she might end up settling down on the Way.

The boyfriend: and then there's my little muggle mailman Jesus Suarez. He made a stop in during parent's weekend. He's Addy's brother's boyfriend and he's spectacular.

If you think you have any connections with any of the gang feel free to comment here so we can remember later when it's 3 o'clock in the morning and our heads aren't screwed on correctly about who knows who and who banged who and who knows about that nonsense. :D

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Date:March 13th, 2012 05:57 am (UTC)

I believe we are clear on how all of mine interact/ed with Miss Abby. Except perhaps Tina. I don't think she did have/has any problem with her or dislikes her in anyway, just that she finds her unnecessarily antagonistic sometimes.

TIMMY. I DON'T KNOW IF ANY OF MINE WILL INTERACT WITH HIM OKAY JUST SAYING. >.> LOOOLface.gif You have an Addy and a Cinna to play with there. I don't know that he could handle Steven or Riley for any amount of time. No idea if he'd ever get to interact with Tina but I'm sure they'd get along swimmingly. If he ever visits St George's Way then he might bump into Jacob... being batshit. Or something.

BEEEEEL. Also gets an Addy and a Cinna and potentially a Jacob! Maybe a Tina through Bernadine, and less likely a Riley or Steven as well.

Lady Veruca is probably safe from the majority xD She might bump into Jacob on the Way, or see Addy or Cinna through her nieces and nephew.

omg Valentin. Lara and Kat say HEEYYYYYY ;D but those are totally different games/times xD I don't know if he and Cinna ever met (probably no? Maybe?). Addy might have seen him around BCA. Might have encountered Jacob on a trip to scout out Dresden for Stas.

You know Elena is like, meta!Addy's idol right? xD Bitch does not take shit from ANYONE. Jacob is completely terrified of her. Riley would likely get the shit punched out of him if they ever met. Tina would SO GO THERE.

[User Picture]
Date:March 13th, 2012 05:04 pm (UTC)
You know Bobby and Jools aren't far behind.

Abby can't wait for this ruse to be over so she can be herself with her old friends again.

Timmy suddenly has more reasons to visit the Way.

Bill and Walsh, bros for life. Not that you officially play him, but in my head canon you officially play him.

In lieu of Val ending up teaching at Dresden, maybe Lady Veruca will end up teaching at Dresden. Or maybe just owning a business down the Way. Not entirely sure, but I'm betting we can get up to shenanigans with her.

Also not sure what I have planned for Val, but with Lara, he'd go there.

Lena says she wants to explore Jacob's terror. She plans to enjoy it.

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