Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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updates - mod [29 Dec 2010|06:32pm]

pandolfo vs paisley_janes
keyblade vs haute

Superlative Steals
FUNNIEST PICTURE: k80 vs papergiraffes
BEST WEBCAM PICTURE:phalange vs papergiraffes
BEST PORTRAIT:phalange vs smellofautumn
CUTEST BIG DOG: snapple vs pandolfo
BEST FAMILY PORTRAIT: banana vs whiskey
HOTTEST FEMALE FRIEND: loyaltylocket vs papergiraffes
BEST BRUNETTE: haute vs pandolfo

Weekly Theme
Show us what you received for the holidays! What was your favorite gift? Did you receive anything that you do not understand why? How were your gifts received? Did you enjoy the reactions? Share about your holiday. +15 points for participating. This theme will run until January 2nd.

Member Spotlight
[info]highlight, you're up next!

Other Information
- Does anyone have any photo suggestions for the new layout?
- [info]nightsky_planes, do you have any suggestions for the next sidebar theme?
- The end of the month is in THREE days.
the following members need to post a duel/superlative )

the following members needs to earn 20 points )

- [info]phalange made a discussion post here discussing equations moving to LJ. I'm thinking about perhaps having another post soon with a summary of points made and having everyone voting, will this work for people? Should the vote be anonymous, or should people be allowed to discuss certain points? Is there another way to go about it?

- I was thinking, perhaps for the January community we could do Year Most Envious of/Best Year through pictures, similar to the summer challenge. Are there any other suggestions for a community challenge?
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[ viewing | December 29th, 2010 ]
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