You wanna be, you wanna be a loser like me. - 02 -
July 2015
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 07:32 pm
02 -

In light of some recent.. opinions floating around campus, I kind of feel like I should speak up. Finally.

Bullying for any reason is unacceptable. Ostracizing and terrorizing other people is something that I never quite understood, but I guess everybody has their pass times. Whether it's because of race, social standing, sexuality, physical appearance, or just for no reason at all, people always seem to pick on each other for something. I know it's impossible to change everybody's mind; sometimes it's impossible to change anybody's mind. But if I can change even one person, that's still progress in my eyes. I took the liberty of looking up a couple of statistics for you all about the specific spree of bullying that is currently sweeping our nation;

◦ 9 out of 10 lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgendered students have experienced harassment at school.
◦ LGBT teens are bullied 2 to 3 times as much as straight teens.
◦ More than 1/3 of LGBT kids have attempted to commit suicide.
◦ LGBT kids are 4 times as likely to attempt suicide then their straight peers.
◦ LGBT youth with rejecting families are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than those whose families accept them.

So if you're reading this, and tomorrow you decide to have a couple of laughs and throw a "faggot" into a locker or bust someone's lip for being "queer", or talk down to another human being just because they happen to love your idea of the "wrong" person? Maybe consider these little numbers I just showed you. These people are dying because you think you have the right to make their lives miserable. And you absolutely do not.

I don't care what color a person's skin is, who they kiss, who their friends are, you have no right to treat them rudely based on these factors. We're just lucky that no one here has ever taken their life for how they're treated, and I hope that they never do. But I know for a fact, people here are bullied based on a number of things, including sexuality, and it is wrong. I've stood by a long time at this school, ignoring the stupid way people act, and the stupid things they do, but I've had enough. I will personally report back any bullying incident that I witness to Headmistress Pendragon, and I encourage any other decent human being to do the same. If those facts aren't enough for you, maybe a threat of disciplinary action will be.

If you act this way, and show no regret for your actions, then these deaths are in your hands, and you should be punished for these crimes like the monsters that you are.

Thank you.

[Private to Student Council]
We should have a some kind of.. vigil. Or seminar. Or something. I don't know, but I feel helpless. I feel like we should be doing something to show that we aren't just going to stand by and tolerate behavior like this.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: Drake - Over

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Meka Palakiko
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:16 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

I agree. I think something needs to be done before anything terrible happens here. Well said Jenny.

Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:26 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

Thanks, Meka. It all just kind of.. came bursting out, I guess. I kind of rambled, but I definitely meant every word. You're our prez so we operate on your command! We should all get together for brain-storming something this week?

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Meka Palakiko
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:34 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

Definitely! We should definitely take some time during the meeting to talk about this and figure out what steps to take. I, for one, will not stand for bullshit like this in our home.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:42 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

I hear that, girl! I'll start bouncing some ideas around and write down anything I can think up, and then we can run it down properly at the meeting and go from there.

Like I said to Sera down below, maybe we could work in cooperation with the pride union kids? Might be interesting.

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Meka Palakiko
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:04 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

That would be really cool! It would be nice to get their perspective on things.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:23 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

For sure, I'll see about getting them involved asap then. :))

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Émilie Devlin
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:21 pm (UTC)

tl;dr. If someone fucking kills themselves, we're probably better off. Gay or not.

Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:33 pm (UTC)

That's your opinion, I guess. At least you're not targeting anyone specific, you just hate everybody.

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:25 pm (UTC)

[Private to Student Council]
I don't know if you knew this but yesterday was National Coming Out Day so maybe we could organize something for that on campus sometime this week? Just for people to get together, have a place to talk where we can try to figure out something, something besides just kicking his sorry little ass. It's one thing to feel the way he does but its another to go posting it all over school. You're right there has to be some kind of disciplinary action against things like this. I think Student Council needs to definitely stand up and take the lead. Enough is a Enough!!

[Private to Jenny]

Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 09:40 pm (UTC)

[Private to Student Council]
I didn't know, actually. Maybe we could work something out with the pride group, you're in it, right? It could sort of be like, a co-op project or something.

And although I know who you're talking about, I won't name any names, because it's so much more than him. It's disgusting to realize that he's part of a surprisingly large percentage of people with that disgusting opinion. He's an jerk, but he's like.. nothing in the scheme of it. Shutting him up would be too easy; we need to shut them all up, y'know? It's time to do something. That's why I wanted to be on the council, to make a difference, however we could.

[Private to Sera]
You're welcome? But for what?

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:13 pm (UTC)

[Private to Student Council]
Yeah I'm in it, I'm sure we could organize something like that. You should join too? We could use an advocate like you?

That's what I mean, we have to think bigger. I'm sure people wanna see him hurt but it's not really gonna change anything in the long run. The answer to violence and hate is not further violence and hate. You're right though, just how many people still think and feel that way, its absolutely disgusting. There's no other way to describe it.

[Private to Jenny]
Nothing the world just needs more people like you, that's all.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:26 pm (UTC)

[Private to Student Council]
I dunno, I'm in a lot of clubs already, but I could see about it? If you really think I'd fit in? I don't know if a wishy-washy bisexual deserves to be friends with people with genuine sexualities-

Exactly. We're going to do something about it, or as much as we can, because standing by and letting it happen is out of the question. I'm already getting some notes and things together.

[Private to Sera]

Well, thanks. That means a lot actually.. so seriously, thanks. I was just saying how I felt, that's all.

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:06 pm (UTC)
Private to Jenny

I've been brainstorming too, I don't have much yet, just trying to jot down a few ideas before student council actually gets together.

You'd fit in just fine, it's open to anyone gay, straight, bi, trans doesn't matter, we don't discriminate:). You're welcome whenever and I'm sure the other members would agree.

No problem I meant it. You're a really good person.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:09 pm (UTC)
Private to Sera

Same. I've got a few things down, but mostly I need to do a bit more research first.

Maybe I'll come by & check you guys out then. And maybe we can pimp you all out a bit if we do end up having a vigil, this might be good for your membership level!

You are too, you know. I'm sorry I haven't been acting like it lately.

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:40 pm (UTC)
Private to Jenny

Yeah hopefully you're right, we could use a few more members.

Thanks. It's okay, really I shouldn't have kissed you like that.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:48 pm (UTC)
Private to Sera

... I shouldn't have liked it.

It's okay. We're cool now, right? It's definitely okay.

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:50 pm (UTC)
Private to Jenny

Yeah we're cool:D

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Jenny Parry
Thu, Oct. 14th, 2010 12:58 am (UTC)
Private to Sera

Kay, good.

ReplyThread Parent
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:54 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

I agree 100000%. Maybe we could do an awareness week? Sell support bracelets and hold a vigil for all those poor kids? We should have a meeting and set something up with the pride union.

Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 10:59 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

Bracelets is an amazing idea! Something flashy, maybe in the same style as my epilepsy awareness bracelets. Like this or these? I think we should donate the money to something cool, like a.. idk, a youth shelter or something. Or youth groups in the city? I'll look into it and at the meeting we can see what we have to choose from.

I think Sera is going to talk to the pride union, and then we can go from there. But I'm sure they'll be onboard for a vigil. Any decent person would be, really. Now the question is, how many decent people are going to stand up with us?

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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:35 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

I really like the bracelet idea too.

And I also just came across a few more stats that I thought maybe we should consider.

~ Twenty-eight percent of gay students will drop out of school. This is more than three times the national average for heterosexual students.
~ GLBT youth feel they have nowhere to turn. According to several surveys, four out of five gay and lesbian students say they don’t know one supportive adult at school.

That said..
I think it's important that we get the teachers involved as much as we can too. For one to implement policy since we can't do it all on our own but also even just one teacher that people can talk to. Somebody they know they can trust and can go to if they're having any problems.

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Jenny Parry
Wed, Oct. 13th, 2010 11:43 pm (UTC)
[Private to Student Council]

I think listing the facts on a poster might be a good idea, to get the awareness out there. We could do a bleak design, list the facts, and then have the date and time for the vigil at the bottom, and mention something about it being for people who want to change these sad stats.

And I think having the faculty involved is an amazing idea, and I'm sure some of them will be willing to help us out. But a central rep would be really great. The question is, who?

And another thing, what do you guys think we should do for the vigil? I think it'll be pretty boring if we all just stand around. We should be remembering, but also celebrating who we are they were. Maybe we can get some 'it gets better' speeches from people, or performances with music, or.. whatever people wanna do. Maybe like a get-up-on-stage and be yourself type of thing? Sound plausible?

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Quinn Van Rensselaer
Thu, Oct. 14th, 2010 12:42 am (UTC)

Well said, Jenny. And much more eloquently than I ever could have said it.

Jenny Parry
Thu, Oct. 14th, 2010 12:59 am (UTC)

Thank you, Quinn. I tried to keep it as diplomatic as I could even while losing my cool.

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