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So... other than this Strife thing, anyone know what they're doing for Halloween costumes yet? I was talking to Casey and I think we're going to do up some Star Wars themed stuff. Anyone else want in? We've got a Luke and a Leia, but there's a ton of other characters in there.

Who's interested?
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So I'm staying with Michi for a bit to be able to stay in the area and keep looking for mom.

Dad is splitting time between here and his job, because he does have to keep working. Tim is staying at home for a bit and then coming down here for a couple weeks before he has to go back to school. I've been doing research when I can, and things like that.

I've found a lot through looking at old books and even the internet that... all kind of partially fits? Or so it seems? I feel like I need to talk this out with someone. Also I want to go back to the area where the people who disappeared and came back were found, if I can, and look around, see if there's anything there that might fit into my research.

Does... anyone want to come visit? Maybe help? I don't really want to do this on my own in case... Well, I just don't want to do this part alone. Especially not after I've turned up what I did. Oh gods.

So... any takers? We can even get a group together if people want to.
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[Private to Upper Academy Students]
Owwww >.<

Went out with Tim tonight to check some Muggle homeless shelters for mom. It's always possible that her disappearance is unrelated to the others since she does this anyway... Didn't turn up anything, but I managed to trip as I was walking next to him and christ my head on the wall of the building we were next to. I know I can trip over my own feet, but I swear I didn't even do that this time. Normally I can feel it when it's my own foot, but this caught me completely by surprise.

I guess I should be more careful...

But I really, really don't remember it being my foot... and there was nothing else in the way. except for... Tim ...nah, it could have been anything.

But my head really hurts and this is going to bruise like a bitch. I can just feel it.
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[Private to self]
I can't breathe. I want my mom. I want my mom. I want my mom.

Please find her. PLease, please please let her be ok.

I can't sleep. I hate Tim, he makes me feel like everythings my fault, which is probably is. Dad is a mess even if he's not showing it. Everything's so wrong right now. And I have all this planning and everything for all the stuff thats coming up. Keegan and my 1 year anniversary. Finals and end of term things. Starting to plan for schedule thigns next year. I just can't concentrate. All I want to do is go look for her and I dont even know where.

All I do is go to class, look for her, and pray. I feel terrible but... I don't have anything else. Every day that passes is... it just makes it harder.

I'm trying not to wake Frankie with the crying all the time.

Please.... if anyone out there is still listening... And I know you are, I just...

Lady, don't take my mother from us. Please. I beg you.
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[Private to Upper Academy Students]
My brother will be here tomorrow to help dad look for my mom. She's still missing. I'm still freaking out

I can't sleep.

I hope that other people who are missing parent/s are having better luck than I am. I hope they all get back safe and sound.
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[Private to Keegan, Meka, Akio]
Mom is still missing. Dad is staying here to look but he can't be here forever. Where could she have gone? She doesn't even really know the area so she won't be able to find her way back to the hotel like she sometimes comes back home.

I don't even know... what I can do.
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[Backdated to around 8:00 PM][Private to Upper Academy Students]
Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.

Has anyone um... Nevermind.

I'll be out until curfew.

[Private to Keegan, Meka, Akio]

Mom is missing. In New Orleans. I'm going to help dad look. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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So happy that Mom and Dad came. Even if I had to suffer through a Quodpot game with Dad, who has not let up asking questions about how often I go to games now. We did the breakfast thing, I had them meet some of my friends, and we just got in from lunch. I think we're going to go for a walk around the campus and stuff and then they're going back to the hotel for a nap while I... likely do the same thing in my dorm room after some homework, and then off to the city for dinner!

How is everyone else doing with their parents?

[Private to Meka, Keegan, Akio]

Mom seems the same, really. A little flighty, and we have to keep steering her in the right direction for conversations and stuff, but all in all not that bad? She seems to really like the hotel and the campus and such. I guess being out somewhere is kind of a new experience for her.
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[Private to Self]
I don't even know what I'm thinking lately.

There's so much going on in my head, but there are so many more important things to deal with. So many people that I know knew Addy pretty well, or more than that. Keegan was good friends with her, Michi and her were close, and Leon...

Poor Leon. I couldn't even imagine...

But I can. Too easily, I think. If something ever happened... could I?

No, no, no. See, this is the problem. Who cares what I think? There are people hurting, people grieving in their own ways, and I should just forget whatever it is that I'm thinking, or not thinking about, and just try to help them. I can't stand to think that there's someone who if they would just talk about it, or if they just needed someone around to be there for them... I don't know.

All I do know is I don't even feel like leaving my room anymore, but if I don't then people will worry. And I don't need to be worried about. There's too much going on for anyone to even notice, thank the gods. I don't want to have to explain things. I don't even know how I would...
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Not trying to change the subject or anything, but...

Well, I did it! I can apparate! It really was pretty easy with the practice. Thanks, Leon, for your advice on that.

Also, anyone else excited for Parent Weekend? Both dad and mom are coming this time. I know I just saw them over break and everything, but it's different when they come here, you know?

[Private to Keegan, Akio, Meka]

I'm actually kind of surprised that dad said mom was coming. She's not bad like she gets sometimes, but... not the best either right now.

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Thank you everyone for my birthday wishes. This was the best birthday I've ever had, I think. Seventeen is going to be an awesome year, I just know it is, and I'm looking forward to it.

Taking apparition classes this week so far has been interesting. I've managed to apparate to a spot 3 inches in font of where I started, so far! It's not the hoop, but at least I didn't splinch myself, right? I'm terrified of splinching myself. Oh gods.

Looking forward to Meka's party! Can't wait to be in Hawaii for a while. Sun and surf (not that I actually surf but...) and friends and fun. What's not to like? :)
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Extra help?
So I know that most people (normal ones) aren't thinking about this right now, but we're only a couple of months from the end of the term and the end of the year. With that in mind, if there is anyone who needs any help in writing papers or with classwork, I would be willing to offer my services in exchange for some form of compensation.

Like money. Please let it be money. This anniversary thing has me in over my head now >.<

Just let me know what you need help in, and if I can, I'll make arrangements with people. Good luck everyone.
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So it looks like Sadie Hawkins is Friday. Whoops. I hope no one was planning on wearing socks that matched since we apparently have an epidemic on our hands.

Has anyone tried to find them?

Also, Keegan. What are your plans for Friday? :)
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Notice of Missing Items
Hey, has anyone gotten some of my clothing by accident in their laundry? I seem to be missing some socks. There's a couple of argyle ones, and some colorful ankle socks in there, as well as one of my school knee socks. It was only one of each pair though. If they turned up in someone's laundry by mistake, please let me know?

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[Private to Upper Academy Students]
Ok, so there was a... creature thingy in our dorm. There are rumors going around everywhere. This is so incredibly freaky. I mean, if this giant creature (someone said it looked like a bat?) could get into the dorms somehow, what else could possibly get in? And how safe are we? Poor poor Leon. This is just not his ...month? Year?

I think I'm going to try and figure this thing out. See if I can get a better description and maybe figure out how to protect my room against it figure out what it is and how it operates. Better informed than left in the dark, right?

Gods, this is so freaky. I wonder where it came from?
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[Private to Leon]
Hey, um, I was just wondering how you were?
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This weekend was probably the best weekend I've ever had.  Ever.
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[Private to self]
 I guess it's officially that time of year again.  Mom went missing this morning.  I know she'll be found, she always is, but... I hate it each and every time it happens.  Dad's beside himself with worry, taking off work to look for her constantly, and not taking care of himself or anything else.  I do my best to just concentrate on schoolwork, even when all I want to do is help him find her and bring her home safe.  And... Tim comes home to help.  Which means that staying at home this weekend will be interesting.  

I just hope she's found quickly this time and that she's alright.

And... do I tell him about this?
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]Private to self][around lunch time]

Oh holy fuck.

How did I even get myself into this? I can't tell anyone about this, obviously, and I can't talk to Leon because he doesn't want to talk, and now I feel horrible that I said anything in the first place.  Why did I have to open my mouth?  Metaphorically speaking, anyway.

I feel so bad for him.  To have to live like that.  He needs to talk to someone, but...

Does his twin know?  And isn't he dating...

Oh Gods, what can I do?  I don't want to push him, and I don't want to make things worse but... he needs to talk to someone.  But if no one else knows then who can he talks to?

I think I need a drink.  Or something.  My head feels like it's going to explode.

Poor Leon.
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[Private to Keegan] [posted around 5:00 PM]
Hey, Keegan? If you're not busy, do you maybe want to hang out after dinner?  I have something for you.
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Back October 2011
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