
March 20th, 2012

Bio: Sabelia @ 09:25 pm

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Character Information
Full name: Sabelia Marie Rivera Sykes
Nick names: Lil Belle, Bells
Hometown: Bluebell Town, GA
Age and birthday: 2/2/2017
House and year: Quirank, University
Boggart: Herself, an absolute mess with a beer belly and ketchup stains
Riddikulus: She just slips out of a fat suit
Patronus and why: Owl- wisdom, truth, patience, darkness, a death messenger, divination, solitude, and detatchment.

School Information:

Wand: 7½" delicate reed with bowtruckle bark

Electives: Ancient tunes, advanced astronomy, arithmancy, wandless, and advanced divination
Extracirriculars: Student government, quidditch (seeker), dance, wizard's chess, honor society
Strongest subject: Ancient runes, arithmancy, astronomy
Weakest subject: NONE, well probably potions
Animagus form, if applicable NA

Family and Relationships
Parents: Leland Rivera Sykes, Manuela Castillo (absentee mom), and Erica Kauffman (step mother)
Siblings: Eddie and Stephan
Extended Family: Cousins
Familiar: Blue butterfly named Cheska.
Sexuality: Struggling homosexual

PB: Josie Loren
Physical Description: She's tiny, standing at 5'0 it's a miracle she gets noticed at all. She's a waif of a thing and causing constant concern about her weight though she tries not to bring attention to it.

Likes: Dance, gymnastics, competition, being perfect, classes, astronomy, big projects, writing papers, being in the library, quidditch, being active, classical music, knowing everything, girls, studying, getting A's, being right, history, glitter, being girlie, dances, music, pop, sugar free bubblegum, tic tacs, the smell of warm vanilla, lemon water

Dislikes: Idle time, muggle cars, food guilt, food, boys, when people fuss over her weight, eating, pencils, ink splotches, wrinkled sheets, aggressive sports, being excessively drunk, grapefruit, going to the beach, messes, disorganization, Eddie's work desk, when things are hung on the wall crooked, stains, bag pipes, plaid, incense, runs in stockings, violent video games, fist fights, getting hit on

*Sabelia is an absolute perfectionist
*She takes immense pleasure in the smell of things
*She tends to have fake boyfriends, one for each year so people will leave her alone about dating
*She picks at her fingers

*She's gay and she absolutely hates kissing her fake boyfriends (who don't realize they're fake)
*She suffers from bulimia and binge eating

Amortentia smells like: Warm vanilla, parchment, & mint

Strengths: Dance, creative, organized, lots of self control

Weaknesses: Self destructive, too much of a perfectionist, can't let things go

Detailed personality: Delicate and soft, Sabelia seems to be a living doll. She's smart, lightening fast, and creative. She can solve almost any problem except her own. Sabelia loves being right and having intelligent conversations. She will perfect arguments until they are fool proof. She's a perfectionist. But along with her self-inflicted perfection comes the stress of trying to keep everything perfect. She will pick away at herself even if she has made one tiny mistake no matter what anyone says to try to make her feel better.

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