
March 20th, 2012

Bio: Kyle @ 10:24 pm

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Character Information
Full name: Kyle Dubinsky
Nick names: Ky
Hometown: Corpus Christi
Age and birthday: 10/1/2019
House and year: Appalachia
Boggart: Being strapped in a chair and unable to move
Riddikulus: The straps turn into jump ropes than easily come off and the whole room is a bounce house
Patronus and why: Boxer dog- loud, loyal, protective

School Information:

Wand: 10¾" flexible plum with phoenix tail feathers
Electives: Environmental, magical botany, advanced herbology, advanced flying, and combative
Extracirriculars: Quidditch (blind side beater), muggle sports, band (harmonica, guitar), garden club, outdoors club, and gaming club
Strongest subject: Environmental and magical biology
Weakest subject: History
Animagus form, if applicable NA

Family and Relationships
Parents: Mackenzie and Tatum Dubinsky
Siblings: Ryan & Jessica (older sisters), Kia & Claire (triplets)
Extended Family: Uncles and aunts all over the place with cousins and a smattering of non-blood related Sommer-Passoses, Evanses and Ruizes
Familiar: Rex, a boxer dog
Sexuality: Heterosexual

PB: Bella Thorne
Physical Description: Kyle has a pretty small frame, standing at about 5'5 with long red hair that has a slight curl to it. She has two sets of piercings in her ears. Her style is constantly changing.

Likes: Quidditch, Ziggy, guitar, boys with guitars, weed, fighting with Kia (she kind of loves it), gardening, sports, flying, video games, hiking, nature, being outside, laying in the grass, summer time, swimming, the beach, kayaking, canoeing, s'mores, camping, music, skateboarding, cook outs, cooking over a camp fire, rock climbing, tank tops, comic books, webcomics, sweet sneakers, morning, making out, boys with tattoos, green olives

Dislikes: Getting picked on, when Claire gets picked on, reading, writing, sitting through class, sweat pants (she prefers yoga pants- THERE'S A DIFFERENCE), sitting still, being stuck inside, rainy days, long movies, losing, butter cream frosting, sausage

*She is constantly getting into fist fights with Kia, when she's really pissed she aims for the face but when she's just fucking around she's a fan of noogies and headlocks
*Despite being in Appalachia, she's not above taking cheap shots
*Even though she has a lot of really tom boyish interests, her style fluctuates between tom boy and extremely girlie and fashionable

*She's totally obsessed with Ziggy Evans. She loves their relationship as it is and she would love for it to become more than what it is but she's too afraid that it will affect them poorly.

*She hates fighting with Kia because she always feels guilty afterwards.

Amortentia smells like: Grass, s'mores, and bbq

Strengths: Surprisingly strong despite her appearance, perseverance, abundant amount of energy, she's got a healthy competitive streak

Weaknesses: Bad reactions/temper, impulsive, wicked short attention span, loves a bad boy

Detailed personality:
Kyle shares a lot of similar interests with her mom Tatum but her reactions to thing tend to follow along the lines of momma Mack. She's very physical and often finds herself getting into little tiffs over the silliest things. She's a scrapper if there ever was one.

Personal History
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