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[11 Nov 2009|10:12pm]

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Mandy is 9 months old!
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[08 Apr 2009|07:34pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Warded to St. Mungo's employees and Maddie )

The light is always darkest before the dawn.

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[25 Feb 2009|11:56am]
[ mood | awake ]

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Amanda Jane Brocklehurst

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[20 Jan 2009|09:47am]
I'm sorry to all those I didn't inform. Maddie had the baby almost a week ago. Almost two months early. They almost died...this is all of my fault. I should've been a healer and not trying to make Maddie happy. Her name is Amanda Jane and she's the most precious thing in the world. We're still at the hospital.
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baby! [31 Dec 2008|04:02pm]
[ mood | excited ]

The baby is coming soon. I can't believe it. Soon our little girl will be out in this world. Maddie, how are you feeling?

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[04 Nov 2008|03:03pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

Holy Merlin the baby moved. Though I missed the first time due to work. This is so ridiculously exciting. Maddie
will you marry me?

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[22 Aug 2008|01:21am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

I hate the damn Ministry. This thing still fecking hurts. I hate fights. I hate dolls. I hate everything. And Maddie's pregnant. About two months. She's due in March.

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[18 Aug 2008|11:28pm]
I am not getting that bloody tattoo. Maddie, marry me and take all my worries away?
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[18 Aug 2008|03:11pm]
Faded pictures on the wall. )
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