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Dresden Academy History

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Dresden Academy History

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Huletts Landing
Founded in 1874 by the family patriarch, Philander Hulett.

The school started off with three buildings: Dresden Hall, Oak Hall, and Hulett House. As the school grew so did the need for new facilities. Maple Hall was added in 1885, followed by Mullholland Hall in 1888. The students weren't officially sorted into individual houses until 1892 when the four other dorm buildings were built.

The school entered something of a lull with their core curriculum and the grounds. A quidditch pitch was built at the request of students and parents in 1901. As quodpot gained popularity the headmistress at the time, Barbara Hulett opted to build a quodpot field in the year 1913.

St. George's Farm was bought in a prosperous year (1924) with the intention of turning it into another sporting field, but was instead left fallow when the funding dried up. In the 1930's the farm was tended to by several of the faculty who volunteered; some of the produce was sold to local markets and helped buoy the school during the Depression, the rest was used to feed the students and faculty.

Another long lull followed in which a few new classes were added to the curriculum as other school's expanded their focus. In the 1950's and 60s cottages were built for faculty who didn't wish to commute.

Kiefer Hulett was the headmaster before his niece Jillian was chosen to take over. His run was from 1972-1998, a period of time which saw many dramatic changes.

During the first rise of Lord Voldemort, Dresden watched from a distance, mostly unaffected by the devastating rise of dark magic in Europe.

During an economic downturn in the 1980s which saw other prestigious schools (such as Salem Academy) close, Kiefer opted to make some sacrifices. He fired most of the auxiliary staff and enacted several new policies that would have the student body help maintain and clean the school. He reopened St George's Farm and introduced the concept of sustainability to Dresden. Much of the produce from the farm was used to feed students and staff alike.

With all the money saved from these decisions, the school cut down how much it relied on funds from NYAW (though several years later NYAW increased the funding allotted for Dresden). Kiefer began to expand the curriculum and hired additional staff to cover the new subjects.

A muggle sports field was added in 1991 with some of the extra funds from Kiefer's contributions. The T.S. Putnam Lab was built in 1996 to memorialize a beloved staff member who taught Herbology for 50 years and passed three months before their official retirement.

The second rise of the dark lord was again witnessed from afar, though some chatter of an increase in dark magic users in the US began to circulate. The school managed to keep the students relatively shielded from the growing debate on dark magic. Voldermort's subsequent defeat was met with worldwide relief; his influence had not and would not spread so far before his downfall.

Jillian Hulett took over for Kiefer in the fall of 1998. She began her reign during a tremendous upswing in interest for the school and a prosperous fiscal year.

In 2005, Dresden added the university program. It was mostly the brainchild of Pete Rosenthal and several other professors who were interested in mentoring advanced students. Jillian was only mildly opposed to the idea, but supported the effort the teachers were making by building a new dormitory to house the older students.

Essentially the program allowed students to stay on and work toward mentored independent study in a particular subject. In 2007 a new facet was added to the program to enrich the student's education. Students were required to act as teaching assistants for their mentor once or twice a week. First semester students were encouraged to work with core classes, but the truly gifted were offered TA positions in advanced classes (or by mentor discretion).

In the summer of 2011 Jillian received word that NYAW would once again be cutting its funding to Dresden Academy. Hard decisions lay ahead as to which programs to cut in order to protect the school from closing.
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