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Amiko Kobayashi

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Island Meme [28 Jan 2013|10:34pm]
She fully recognized that they'd been through a lot lately. Certainly, her people needed rest, even now that their wounds had pretty much healed.

...She just wasn't certain that being included in the mandatory retreat for government operatives was the right kind of rest. But she hadn't had a firm legal, tactical, or ethical reason against it when they were included, so here they are.

And apparently, there was a beach party. And those not dealing with other recreational concerns were highly encouraged to participate in an informal sand castle competition. Amiko learned this when a very maternal bureaucrat cornered encouraged Amiko and Hajime.
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Not in Public. [10 Jan 2013|04:04pm]
The poker face holds, sort of, as she walks through the building and knocks on Keiji's door. "May I come in please?"
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AU Meme: Turning Point [26 Nov 2012|11:15am]
Shame. Not absolute shame, but enough. This attempt to retrieve the sword, to save her clan from the dishonor her cousin was dragging it into, had succeeded, but resulted, as she feared, in her dismissal by the government for her excessive unauthorized activities.

Who was going to take care of her people now?
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[21 Nov 2012|05:07pm]
Amiko had checked to make sure the hallway was otherwise clear. When Keiji came down it, she dropped from the ceiling and grabbed him by his shirt collar. "Your room or mine?"
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Date Meme [16 Jul 2012|04:13am]
It is not always easy to get a bottle of Dinkel Acker in a Tokyo bar, so when they had it, Amiko tended to buy five at a time, just in case.

And since even a lady -- yeah, a lady with five bottles of Uncle Elf's favorite stuff by her; she was a delicate flower -- is allowed to look, she was noticing a very noticeable gaijin about her age. Probably a mutant, too.
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[03 Feb 2012|12:14am]
She didn't sneak up on him. She met him head-on. As Keiji came down the hall, Amiko, finally recovered from her injuries, strode right up to him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and dragged him into her bedroom, kissing him fiercely as she essentially used his body to slam the door shut.
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Invalid [23 Jan 2012|10:51pm]
The mission had been successful, but the energy-based shot Amiko had taken to the back had been rather painful, and was taking a while to heal. So she lay on her stomach in bed, face sideways, back exposed to the air.

"Another apple, please, love?" she asked Keiji.
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AU: A Real Lady [13 Dec 2011|05:37pm]
Many called Clan Yashida's holdings a corporate empire with multiple security contracts with the Japanese government. Others called it the closest contemporary Japan could get to a shogunate. Everyone, however, knew about the young daimyo's... fixations. Living fairly austerely for one so wealthy, Amiko Kobayashi used her financial savvy to direct all clan resources to two things. The first was the protection and well being of people throughout the clan. The second was the devastation of every Hand operation they could track down.

Some months ago, she had interfered in an incident in the middle of the street out of concern for the safety of the arresting officers.

It had proven quite lucky, although at times she felt like a dirty old woman for enjoying the view.
Tonight, Amiko asked Hajime to see her in her office.
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[17 Nov 2011|08:21pm]
It had been some time since they'd had time alone. Less than a week after their last conversation, Amiko had dropped off a book for Keiji, reminded him to take it easy, and taken a few days off to go to her father in New York. Since coming back, she'd been busy catching up on work.

But now she's standing in his doorway with a pack slung across her back.
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Private Conversation [11 Nov 2011|10:25pm]
Now that Keiji had received the correct antidote, he could complete his recovery at the BH6 HQ.

When there was finally time, Amiko went to his bedroom.

"I talked to my father," she asid.
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A Normal Evening Out. [08 Nov 2011|06:07pm]
Amiko called Hajime and Keiji into her office. "Gentleman, I have a suggestion it's possible neither of you will be comcofrtable with, but I want you to humor me."
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[02 Nov 2011|06:54am]
"What do you want for dinner, Keiji?" Amiko asked as her very warm hands kneaded into his back. After another training workout, she was insisting that he relax.
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Getting Home [06 Oct 2011|02:27am]
"That... was a little rougher than I expected it to be, Keiji. I'm sorry," Amiko says as they arrive back at HQ after a mostly pleasant visit with Yukio.
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Some Time Alone [23 Sep 2011|07:52pm]
When everyone was headed to bed or elsewhere, Amiko took a breath and knocked softly on the door of Keiji's room.
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[17 Sep 2011|02:29am]
Shortly after practice, Amiko approached Hajime privately. "I'd like to talk to you, if you have a moment."
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Sorting things Out [09 Sep 2011|01:28pm]
After much efforts at home, Amiko took a plane, stopped to say hi to her family, and made her way gradually to her father's cabin in Canada.
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Alternate Future: 'Cause every night, who's in your bed? [14 Jun 2011|07:44pm]
Amiko hadn't been there when it happened. But in her nightmares, she sees it all so clearly. The poisoned knife. Her Lady-Mother in agony... and what had to be done to end that agony.

She awakes in tears, cursing the cruelty of the Hand.

And realizes where she is, whose arms are around her.
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Alternate Future: Steps too far. [24 May 2011|12:17am]
This was crazy.

Amiko snuck carefully into the Hand compound, avoiding security feature after security feature. She'd even managed to be careful of the magical wards.

She was stupid.

She slid through the window in absolute silence.

But she wouldn't betray anyone. She'd have to know first.

Oyama Keiji would suddenly feel a hot knife at his throat, thanks to the woman behind his chair.
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