Bio: Meka Palakiko  
05:11pm 26/07/2010
Meka Palakiko


Full Name: Meka [Meeka] Palakiko
Nicknames: M, Kiko, Geek, Kiddo, Geeka
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Age and birthday: 16 & June 5, 1993
House and Year: Sonnier & Junior
Electives & Schedule:
1. Ancient runes
3. History of magic
4. Magical craft
5. Lunch
6. Transfiguration
7. Wandless I
8. Charms/wandwork
9. Latin

Wand: 10 inch delicate reed with clabbert horn core
Boggart: Bugs, even just one, she hates bugs, they are disgusting creatures and she's doesn't care if their demise would mess up the eco system.
Patronus: She hasn't made a patronus yet but she'll be damned if she doesn't make one by the end of her sophomore year. Her patronus will most likely be a hawk as they are known for their observational nature and keen eye sight.
Animagus, if applicable: NA
Religious Affiliation: None specifically
Extracurricular activities:
Gaming club
Band (piccolo and flute)
Student council - President
Book worms
Honors society


Parents: Kai and Mei Palakiko
Siblings: Keoni (21, graduated)
Extended Family: Several cousins on both sides
Familiar A snowy owl named Milo
Sexuality: Heterosexual, for the most part? She's not entirely sure, she finds different kinds of beauty more attractive in people.
Significant Others (past and present): Meka has never had one


PB: Keisha Castle-Hughes

Detailed description: Meka has the same dark features that her family has and her hair is usually curly. If she can bothered she will use a straightening spell for her hair. She has been known to take a pair of scissors to her own hair if it's being far too unruly or if she's incredibly stressed out. She stands at about 5'3 with a pretty small build. She has basically no muscle mass and stays in shape by taking jogs later in the evening.

As far as clothing goes… she wears them, enough said. Jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, sometimes skirts. Nothing too fancy. You will not catch her dead without a pair of knee length socks. She wears whatever shoes are sensible at the moment. She never wears make up but the one thing she does love is a good fragrance. Her hands and wrists are usually covered in ink, charcoal, or paint, sometimes even her clothes get a little bit of paint on them.

As for scars, she has one very noticeable scar running from just below her Achilles tendon on her left leg to just above it, this isn't normally something that is seen since she always wears her tall socks. She has those artist's bumps on her fingers from drawing and writing.


Likes: Reading, drawing, music, comics, rocky beaches, art, video games, writing, watching the sun set, coffee, perfume, smoking, sticky buns, foreign films, studying maps, the Beatles

Dislikes: Dressing herself, high heels, make up, early mornings, the gym, bugs, when sand sticks to your feet, Disney channel, family comedies, when people dress up as Tom Cruise from Risky Business and even more when they mix references, judgmental people, glitter, organized group dancing

*She draws comics
*She drinks black coffee with sugar all the time
*She's a night owl
*She is a perfume addict, it started off just trying to cover up the smell of cigarettes but she loves it now and can't go a day without spraying herself with something
*She hates when someone assumes that she surfs because she's from Hawaii
*Almost every time she sees a bug she freaks out, she will drop anything she is doing and jump and scream
*She's a vegetarian for several reasons; animal rights, the idea of meat, and it's easier for her to attempt cooking for herself… she eats a lot of salads

*Despite the fact that she tells everyone she is an atheist, she is actually quite spiritual in her own way, she doesn't believe in organized religion and if classifications were necessary she would be considered a noncommittal polytheist.

*She doesn't think she's pretty. She's way more bitter about it than she will ever admit. She also has a hard time being girlie as she was raised by her father and her brother.

*She's only ever kissed one boy at a party when she was fourteen and it was while Single Ladies by Beyonce was playing in the background. Ever since, she hasn't been able to to listen to that song without getting frustrated about her constant singleness and how unbelievably ironic it is.

*She is in love with the stupidest television reality shows like Maury, Steve Wilkos, and court tv. She thinks it's hysterical.

*She secretly wants to try out for the cheerleading team.

*She used to be a dancer because her mother was a dancer at heart. Meka ruptured her Achilles tendon when she was twelve years old though and had to have a surgery to fix it, leaving her with a scar on the back of her left leg. She doesn't talk about it because a part of her feels like she failed her mother while another part is relieved.

*She is involved in an underground homework ring. She trades homework assignments for cash, booze, or cigarettes.

*She missed the 2011 NYE ball drop because she was busy loosing her virginity to Sim Buford.

What’s in your characters pockets? Pencil, charcoal, pocket watch, her mother's ring, matches, cigarettes. Her pockets look like this

Strengths: She is hard working and incredibly dedicated. She can pick up pretty much any instrument although her favorites are the woodwinds. Her grades are impeccable although she does struggle without certain subjects, it just makes her work that much harder. Her creativity is definitely one of her strong points, she can write, draw, and play and compose music.

Weaknesses: She is a chain smoker. She has a short temper and a bad attitude when things don't go her way. Meka has a low self image, she knows she's smart but she's pretty sure that's her only redeeming quality, she is always underestimating herself. She can cook simple recipes but when things get a little tricky it usually turns out to be disastrous. Instead of showing her true emotions she lets them build up and hides behind sarcasm.

Strongest subject in school: Charms
Weakest subject in school: Herbology
One thing he/she can't live without: Cigarettes

Detailed personality:

Meka is not anti-social at all but as she likes to say, she is far better on paper than she is conversationally. She has wit, but she has very little charm when talking to people. She is very creative, artistic, and intelligent. She's rebellious in the sense that she doesn't like to follow rules all the time. She's a little bit of a trouble maker, and it often stems from her curiosity. She wants to know just how far she can push a boundary, how long it takes to get detention for one activity, that sort of thing.

She finds beauty in the strangest things. Meka is intuitive, introspective, and incredibly cautious but she is still able to go out and be friendly with people. She has a few friends who are close and know a few of her secrets but she has many acquaintances. She's not exactly a social butterfly but she definitely likes to take the weekend with a few close friends, a couple beers, and lots of time to unwind.

Meka is very dignified but she has been known to lose her cool when in a fierce fight. She walks away before things get too out of hand… most of the time. She's the kind of person who would rather say nothing and scream into a pillow later on than scream at someone and make a scene (although she has made a few scenes mostly involved with her family). She really tries her best to rid herself of all her negativity by meditating and if that doesn't work she smokes like a chimney.

Meka is pretty lonely and is trying to open herself up to more people, especially her father. She is bitter about being what she likes to call one of the "shadow children" since her father wasn't really around to raise her and her brother. She deals with a lot of her emotions through sarcasm. For the most part she is quietly kind.

Personal History:

Meka was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Kai and Mei Plakiko, the second and last child of the wealthy couple. Her father runs a business that specializes in building magical homes while her mother worked for the AAW and was a dance instructor on the side, (teaching her own daughter her first classes). Meka loves Hawaii except for one thing… the bugs. She has always been interested in exploring and discovering but her true passion was in the library. Like everyone in her family she speaks fluent Hawaiian. She read as much as she could and it was quickly realized that she was a brilliant, little girl. Her reading level was far beyond her peers as were her math skills. She missed out on a lot of play time unfortunately and has struggled to be social. She is especially awkward around individuals she finds attractive. Most of the time she doesn't think she's worth their attention anyways.

Unfortunately, when Meka was five years old, Mei was found dead in her office. The circumstances were sketchy at best but the case has been closed as coincidental. Kai suffered silently and shut himself off from the world, dedicating his time solely to his work. Meka and Keoni were left by themselves most of the time, Meka never really had a positive female role model.

Kai wasn't entirely detached from his children, he realized Meka was not exactly a normal child and the loss of her mother was devastating. To try to get Meka to make more friends her father signed her up for piano lessons and kept her enrolled in dance. And thus started her long lasting relationship with music. She didn't stop to think about it once she started and picked up instruments left and right. By the time she was twelve she was playing piano and a majority of the woodwinds but her dance career was already over. Meka ruptured her Achilles tendon and had to have surgery. She was told not to dance for one year but after that year was up she didn't dance again.

Meka did make one very good friend, a boy named Kekoa who was her own age and played the guitar at the same music school. They became friends and spent a lot of time practicing their instruments together. Kekoa also introduced her to going to parties and sneaking out late at night when they were older and she was home for vacations.

She became incredibly interested in street art, comics, and anime. Art and music have helped her get through a lot of her life and it has been a way for her to vent. When she was accepted to CCI she adored the idea of it and soon fell in love with the school. There was so much more to learn. Meka learned pretty quickly that she could make an extra buck by doing other students homework. A pack of cigarettes will get an every day assignment, three packs will get an A+ essay. She accepts cash and beer as well.

When Meka was twelve, her brother Keoni graduated from CCI. He moved out of the large mansion in Hawaii after Meka recovered from her surgery and made his way to NYC to pursue his dream as a magical artist. Meka loves to visit him during the holidays. She has to beg him to go back to Hawaii with her at Christmas and even though he drags his feet he always comes with her anyways.

Her freshman year she decided that she wanted to become a vegetarian for several reasons. Animal rights being the first and foremost reason in her mind. She also hates the taste and smell of meat, but more importantly she hates the idea of the blood and veins that were working inside the animal. It grosses her out to no end. She had always been picky about it so when she thought she was decidedly on her own she stopped eating it entirely. She has spent her years in Sonnier picking up instruments, she's working now on figuring out percussion. She spends her time studying, researching topics of internet, practicing her instruments, and drawing.

Her sophomore year was a turbulent time and she faced many challenges and changes. She bumbled her way through awkwardly and ended up coming out pretty okay. She is making herself try new things and bring things back into her life, starting with dancing. She thinks it's a way to be close to the mother she has been missing almost her whole life. She's trying to be braver and bolder and more honest with the people she loves.

Other Fun Things:
Amortentia smells like: Hawaiian flowers, coffee, ink/charcoal, the ocean
She smells like: Perfume, coffee, sometimes slightly like cigarettes
Meka’s handwriting is: Avocado found here
tags: bio, ooc
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