
July 15th, 2008

(no subject) @ 02:49 am

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: daft punk

It's not even overwhelming.
It doesn't even worry me, and I don't have to second guess myself.

I think I'm inlove with her.
The only problem is, she doesn't know.
And I couldn't be arsed to tell her.

It sickens me really, how even after a year, after only a few kisses, I can't get over her.
We weren't together no. But I feel like I can't picture myself without her?
It's so overwhelmingly gay of me.
A sob story, that even sickens me.

Sure, I've been with a few others even after her.
But no one else's kiss ever made my stomach hurt so bad with happiness.
And even if I think about it, I can still feel how it did that day.

Ha, if only she knew. She'd probably think I'm retarded.
The simple things like just hanging out for a few hours, had me smoking a pack of cigs within an hour.
It's like I literally couldn't think straight when she was around, and that every thing I said sounded bad.

I never played it off well too.
You could so tell I was easily nervous, even a blind man could've noticed.

It's sad. We really don't even know each other that well tho.
Like, if you really think about it.
I don't know, I guess I just always let my emotions get the best of me.

She just texted me.
And it'll take me forever to reply, because I'm afraid of what to say.
3 minutes does seem like a long time, aha.

I'm a creep.
