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The Prince Productions ([info]princeproducing) wrote,
@ 2012-01-18 03:38:00

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Entry tags:!character information, !game information




Everyone is given a chance to live in the Prince Productions dorms. If you decide to stay there, you will receive a room from one of the 10 floors. You will not, however, be living alone forever. You will receive a roommate (decided by random).

Each floor has eight rooms. All of them have furniture for two, but if you want to redecorate with your roommate, you are allowed to. The rooms don't have kitchens or showers. They are located at the end of the hallways.

The dorm also has rules that you have to obey:

#1. Silence starts at 11 pm and ends at 7 am. If you disturb someone's peace during it you will receive a warning. After three warning there's a penalty (which is usually two weeks full of dorm cleaning or washing dishes at all kitchesn on your floor - you don't want that).
#2. You absolutely do not bring outsiders to the dorm. Relatives can visit only if you have a permission from the higher ups. Other company members can visit the dorms even if they live outside of it. This rule is mostly set up so that no fans would ever get to it.
#3. Only one pet allowed per person. You have to discuss with your roommate if the pet is alright with them as well, in case of allergies.
-> If you really want to keep a pet and your roommate is not alright with this, you may ask for a change of rooms.

Floorplans (click on the image to make it bigger)

Floor numberRoom numberResidents
101Person 1 & Person 2


If you don't wish to live in the dorms with others, you can also choose to live however you want. You just need to live in the Tokyo area to get to work easily.

Here's the list of people living outside the dorms (and with who, if not alone).

CharacterWith who
Person xAlone

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