
December 11th, 2011

Biography: Jaime Charles Reid @ 05:06 pm

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Character Information
Full name: Jaime Charles Reid
Nick names: Jay, Jay Bird
Hometown: Bluebell Town, GA
Age and birthday: 8/17/2020
House and year: Shenandoah
Boggart: Accidentally setting something on fire and not being able to put it out
Riddikulus: Everything turns video game-y and he puts out the fire with his bottom
Patronus and why: Phoenix, bird of fire, rebirth, second chances

School Information:

Wand: 11" rigid blackthorn with fire crab shell and phoenix feathers
Electives: Cultural magic, ritual magic, flying, spell theory
Extracirriculars: Debate club, dueling club, quodpot (full back), gaming club
Strongest subject: Cultural magic, magic involving fire
Weakest subject: Latin
Animagus form, if applicable NA

Family and Relationships
Parents: Dani and Charlie Reid
Siblings: Seth and Kat Reid
Extended Family: Cousins
Familiar: A red panda named Bast. She showed up on his porch one night while he was out there and she hasn't left his side since. No one is really even sure how a red panda got to Georgia but they're speculating that she was a zoo run-away.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

PB: Sean O'Pry
Physical Description: Jaime is of pretty average height, standing at 5'11 with a muscular, athletic build. His style is very typical teenage boy but well tailored. He loves the color red. He likes to grow out his facial hair because it makes him look older. He keeps his hair short but likes to make it look as though he had just rolled out of bed.

Likes: Orange juice, cigarettes, cute girls, debating, fire (sort of a pyro), candle magic, dark chocolate, coffee, nachos, quodpot, flying, spicy food, fishing, sports movies, Bast, video games, older girls, iced tea, lemon, guacamole, the color red, cooking, short cuts, flirting

Dislikes: Taking class notes, scratchy wool, not being in control, okra (it's a travesty to the culinary world), coffee, winter boots, cheese ball romance, puzzles, hats, girls that are easy to woo, things that are overly sweet

*Goes to the library with his dad at least a few times a month, it's their bonding time
*He's a really good cook

*When he was thirteen, he got really pissed off at his friend while they were playing in the tree house in his friend's back yard. Emotionally out of control, Jaime accidentally set the tree house on fire with his magic and they couldn't put it out. The tree house burnt to the ground and scortched the soil underneath. They were incredibly lucky that the fire seemed to maintain itself as it burnt only the tree house and the ground.

Amortentia smells like: Lemon, BBQ, and dark chocolate

Strengths: Resourceful, creative, charming, charismatic, smart, initiative, athletic, competitive

Weaknesses: Overly confident, bossy, has a tendency to bully other kids, pushy

Detailed personality: Jaime is overly confident, first and foremost. He likes a challenge and he never backs down even if he knows just how impossible his goal is. It could be the most unattainable thing on the planet, he won't give up. He's the kind of guy he's never quite fully satisfied. He's charming and charismatic but sometimes he tries to hard, it's mostly because of his youth.

He's a foody and he loves to cook. He can be fun when he just let's loose. He has this tendency to not care about most things, especially about what people think of him. He can maintain his poise at any moment. It's hard to push him past his breaking point where he looses his self control but it has happened on occasion and when it does he's extremely volatile.

He's competitive, sports being his medium. He loves playing but even more he loves winning. Absolutely determined, he will never back down.

Personal History
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