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So.... [26 Jul 2009|12:34pm]
I'm sure there is a lot of bitching about me going on and quiet frankly, I don't care. Hell, I think there's a BRPS post about me. I like getting those. I do. They amuse me.

I am having a great time here. I've done the things I wanted to do and saw some pretty awesome stuff.

I don't expect a thank you for picking up some of the extra costs and quiet frankly I don't care if I get one. I helped pay for parking, I paid for two whole dinners and most of a third, and I paid for half the Internet access. I know I did the right thing and made the effort to be nice.

I had fun. I was here to have fun and I did. It was great to see Kerri again and we didn't miss a step.
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Got hypocrisy? [19 May 2009|06:37am]
So four of us apped four Asgardians and one person apped another godling from a different pantheon. We were told they are "too powerful" and would make the game unbalanced.

1. They would be on their own team. (this is key because they're not upsetting the balance on the pre-existing teams)
2. Their enemies would be on their level.
3. Not all teams in the Marvel Universe are equal in power.
4. There was a plot already to go for them.

One character was a fighter with weak illusionary magic. Very basic illusions.
One character was a strict fighter with no magic.
One character was a sorceress with very little fighting ability
One character was a decent fighter with some magics.
One character was a trickster type and more use of a spy/thief. He could open dimensional portals only to places he knows.

The apps? denied Hissy fit thrown over them because "they're too powerful" characters.

The hypocrisy?

An app was submitted and approved. The app had a character that had the same abilities PLUS MORE. Yes, MORE. As in a more powerful character. But ours were "too powerful". And said character was brought into the game to "have fun and be another male in the game". Not to actually do anything or whatnot.

Funny. I was accused of playing favorites when they are being hypocrites and doing the exact same thing.

Shall we compare the two?

Base Asgardian powerset:
Super Strength 25 tons for average females. 30 tons for average males. (3 of 4 were females and 2 were average or below)
Superhuman Stamina: Asgardians' muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than those of humans allowing her to operate at peak levels for longer periods of time. About two or three days of constant activity.
Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Asgardians' bodies are also considerably harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human. She is immune to all known diseases, and resistant to most poisons.
Superhuman Longevity: Asgardians age slower, but aren't immortal.
Regenerative Healing Factor: they heal faster than humans. Cannot heal missing limbs.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: 3x more dense and harder to injure, but can still be injured.
Exceptionaly Strong Will The Aesir are gods, and possess much greater than human will, being resistant to most manner of possession, mind control and similar effects.
Magic Spells: The majority of the Asgardians all have some potential to practice magic, mostly but not limited to changing their appearances, transforming matter and wielding cosmic, elemental and paranormal energies.

That's the base set. The characters we apped were either strong fighters, or strong magic users. One was in the middle.

Weaknesses varied a little but the baseset was: Cultural unfamiliarity, immortal enemies and powerful ones, vulnerability to non-fatal curses.

The reasoning/why to bring these characters in: explore different parts of the Marvel Universe, have characters prove themselves as heroes and adjust to a new culture.

Now the app:

# Amphibious Physiological Adaptation: X's body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting him specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. This hybrid physiology means he can survive indefinitely underwater or on land, though he would still need occasional contact with water to survive.
# Superhuman Strength: Like all Atlanteans, X is superhumanly strong. While Gambit is immersed in water, or is not severely dehydrated, he is capable of easily lifting 30 tons. However, the longer X is out of contact with water, his strength gradually weakens to the point where he possesses mere fractions of his peak physical strength (although prolonged surface activity could reduce his strength to 33% or lower). Any form of contact with water or consumable liquid will immediately restore him.
# Superhuman Speed: X can run and move at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. His speed is greatest, however, while swimming where he can reach 40 mph.
# Superhuman Stamina: X's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of normal human beings, and most other Atlanteans for that matter. X's stamina, much like his strength, steadily declines the longer he is out of contact with water and will diminish to the point where he only has slightly greater stamina than the finest human athlete.
# Superhuman Agility: X's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
# Superhuman Reflexes: X's reflexes are similarly heightened and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
# Superhuman Durability: The tissues of X's body are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of normal human beings.
# Aquatic Healing: If injured, X's body can heal damaged tissue faster and more extensively than an ordinary human or most Atlanteans. X's accelerated healing is at its peak while he is immersed in water and diminishes the longer he is out of contact with water or if he is completely dry.
# Extended Longevity: Atlanteans age much slower and live much longer than human beings with the average Atlantean lifespan being about 120 years.
# Amphibious Breathing: Like all Atlanteans, X can breathe indefinitely underwater due to having gills located behind his ears. Unlike most Atlanteans, however, X can also breathe on land indefinitely as well without the aid of breathing devices whereas most Atlanteans can only survive being out of the water for a matter of minutes.
# Aquatic Telepathy: X possesses a telepathic rapport with all forms of marine life. He is able to mentally communicate with most forms of marine life and can mentally persuade them to do assist him.
* Force Fields: X can also mentally generate a psionic field of invisible force apparently drawn from hyperspace, which he manipulates for a variety of effects. Most commonly, X generates near-indestructible invisible force fields around himself or other targets. He can vary the texture and tensile strength of his field to some extent, rendering it highly rigid or as soft and yielding as foam; softer variations on the field enable him to cushion impacts more gently, and are less likely to result in a psionic backlash against X himself (in rare cases, sufficiently powerful attacks on his psionic fields can cause him mental or physical pain).
* Trained in Atlantean combat methods and fluent in English, Atlantean, and Lemurian languages.
And Flight. Yes, he can fly on top of doing all of these things.

And the ones we apped were "Too powerful" but this one was approved so someone who the mods like "could have fun and bring another male into the game"
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The comes as no surprise [14 Apr 2009|08:59am]
Foot surgery at the end of May.

Going to remove the bone spurs, work on the one tendon and realign the big toe joint. I hope that after all of it I can move my big toe without pain and be able to not wear shoes in the house all of the time.

End of May which means it should be all healed by the end of July in time for SDCC.

There was one other thing that we could have tried, but at this point I just want it over with.
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[11 Apr 2009|06:27pm]
Glad this week is over.  Hopefully the next will be better.
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[13 Mar 2009|04:51pm]

A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is WHITE. Click here to try the Quiz!

My inner dragon is one of two harmonious dragons (the other is Black). On the inside I am the perfect example of balance, patience, power, and reclusive intelligence. Evil-doers beware; my breath weapon is a combination of fire and lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, your Inner Dragon is it. Whites are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the evil Black Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism).

Though you might find that neat in passing, it's not really what a White is all about. You like to think things out, plot against enemies, and look down upon the world from the highest mountain peaks. Your favorable attributes are the Day, the Sun, reaching for spirituality, truth, a positive attitude, and helpful magic. Humans only need fear you when they stray into your domain without proper payment for passage. Of course, that payment would probably be a cake the size of a Volkswagen, but hey, if they wanted to move through your turf they should have brought it, right? If someone ever threatens you, your Inner Dragon would likely tell you to hit and run, or just plain run. If they really wanted a fight you'd be an impressive opponent, considering you pack a breath weapon combination of Fire and Lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage.
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