† All Icontest † - May 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
† All Icontest †

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May 22nd, 2010

Week o11 :: Voting [May. 22nd, 2010|08:02 pm]


Voting behind the cut! )

Reply to this screened post with your votes! :D Vote for THREE ICONS okay? We've got 8 great icons, so it might be hard to choose, but let's get all the votes in before Monday, May 24th 2010 at 9PM PST! And don't forget to enter this week's theme, alright? :D
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Week o12 :: Theme [May. 22nd, 2010|08:21 pm]



Theme 1: Ero Guro Nansensu. Please avoid flat-out pornography, but other than that basically anything goes as long as it doesn't break the rules and fits the theme.

Theme 2: Color Triads. Color triads are color harmonies composed of three colors that are spaced equally on a color wheel. (Examples: red/yellow/blue, purple/orange/green, blue-green/red-violet/yellow-orange, etc.) Here's a fairly helpful color wheel in case you need it.

Make sure you get your icons in by Saturday, May 29th at 9PM PST/MIDNIGHT EST by replying to this screened post! Oh and don't forget, it has to be in Scribbld format! That means 100x100 pixels max, jpg/gif/png, and 40KB or less. Have fun and if you've got any questions, don't be afraid to ask! Voting will be up in a few seconds~
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