09 April 2010 @ 11:09 pm
Here is your voting for Theme 100: REWIND. We ended up with 14 beautiful entries! Thank you guys so much for making our 100th theme amazing! So, vote on and [info]kiokushitaka should have your new theme up shortly.

vote for your favorite three in order of preference
vote for your favorite one for the special catogory: MOST CREATIVE

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14

o1. Week 004: [WORD] Friendship
o2. Week 014: [MUTE] "Always" by Saliva
o3. Week 016: [OST] Rent
o4. Week 025: [SONG] "A Beautiful Lie" by 30 Seconds To Mars
o5. Week 027: [ARTIST] P!nk
o6. Week 035: [SONG] "I'm Still Here" by Johnny Rzeznik
o7. Week 056: [OST] Repo! The Genetic Opera
o8. Week 059: [MUTE] "Sukiyaki" by 宇多田ヒカル (Hikaru Utada)
o9. Week 060: [SONG] "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey
1o. Week 065: [SONG] "Do You" by Ne-Yo feat. Utada
11. Week 077: [ARTIST] The Beatles
12. Week 084: [MUTE] "Tiny Heart" by Flyleaf
13. Week 085: [SONG] "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa
14. Week 086: [OST] The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
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