11 December 2010 @ 12:04 am
• Please vote for your THREE favorite icons in the order of your preference (ex.: 21, 99, 50).
• Don't vote for your own icon(s) and don't influence others to vote for your icon(s).
• Voting ends Sunday, December 12th at 11PM EST (date and time subject to change).

#01 ↓ #01 lyrics ↓
show 'em what you're worth
#02 ↓ #02 lyrics ↓
let your colors burst
#03 ↓ #03 lyrics ↓
let your colors burst
#04 ↓ #04 lyrics ↓
let your colors burst
#05 ↓ #05 lyrics ↓
across the sky
#06 ↓ #06 lyrics ↓
as you shoot across the sky
#07 ↓ #07 lyrics ↓
there's a spark in you
#08 ↓ #08 lyrics ↓
ignite the light and make it shine
#09 ↓ #09 lyrics ↓
like a lightning bolt

Theme 136 is already up!
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