04 October 2008 @ 03:19 am
Welcome to Theme 29, a MUTE theme.

BLACK AND BLUE ♫ Mika Nakashima

My song reaches
your rotten heart
And it makes me feel good
cuz I can keep my body under control.

Oh fool don’t know what to do
Don’t you want these lips?
I saw you avert your eyes
Your love is
what I escaped from, BLACK & BLUE

Red hot lips are on fire
And when I’m looking at his lips there’s desire
and I can’t stop it from overflowing
My love is
Exhausted, BLACK & BLUE

Asking to come closer
I touch you, you feel like a mountain of passion
Son of a gun, I’m caught in a moment of ecstasy
untill the end, BLACK & BLUE

The body that I’m so proud of
Is useless to me right now
If you want me you’ll have to be
willing to fight for me.

Oh fool It’s easy for you
Don’t you want to be comforted?
I thrust out my downcast arms
Your love is
Just a game, BLACK & BLUE

Red hot lips are on fire
And when I’m looking at his lips there’s desire
I can’t be satisfied
with just looking
My love is
All alone, BLACK & BLUE

Picking an embrace
Casting away confusion, cuz sex is a fashion
Son of a gun, it was you who taught me
So untill I get tired of it, BLACK & BLUE

If the I can find the mark of
the singing spider
I can take whatever
I can do whatever
If there’s sound, I’ll be there, BLACK & BLUE!!

Red hot lips are on fire
And when I’m looking at his lips there’s desire
and I can’t stop it from overflowing
My love is
Exhausted, BLACK & BLUE

Asking to come closer
I touch you, you feel like a mountain of passion
Son of a gun, I’m caught in a moment of ecstasy
untill the end, BLACK & BLUE

No: text, tiny text, textures/brushes that include text. Nothing that can be misconstrued for text.
→ Please include the lyrics that inspired your submission.
→ You may submit up to TWO icons.
→ Icons are due to this screened post by October 10th, 11PM EST

Be sure to vote in Theme 28's poll. ♥
Current Mood: cold
Current Music: watching || nanny 911
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