11 September 2008 @ 03:02 am
Here's banners for Theme 24; Waiting For You. ♥

Pickup for;

click for banners )
Current Music: watching || super nanny
07 September 2008 @ 08:38 pm
A big thank you to everyone who voted-- I didn't have to beg for votes! /smacked Now, the winners for this week can be found behind the cut~ Congratulations to the winners and another huge thank you to everyone who participated! I believe [info]lunareuphoria is our banner maker for this week, but please let me know if they can't be done. ;)

i'll wait forever for you )

Don't forget about Theme 25!
30 August 2008 @ 09:30 am
WAITING FOR YOU ♫ Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

does she have someone she loves more than me )

No: text, tiny text, textures/brushes that include text. Nothing that can be misconstrued for text.
→ Please include the lyrics that inspired your submission.
→ You may submit up to TWO icons.
→ Icons are due to this screened post by September 5, 11PM EST.