28 May 2010 @ 11:03 pm
Here's your voting for Week Fifty-Seven: Backs Turned/"True". 11 entries, guys? I love you all! ♥ Thank you so very much! Now, get voting and [info]kiokushitaka should have your new theme up in a jiffy!

cause my heart keeps falling faster )
21 May 2010 @ 11:30 pm
Word; Backs Turned
Your icon must featured the subject with her back turned. An example of this can be seen here [icon by candy_horror] and here [icon by chocofeather].

Lyrical; True ♫ Ryan Cabrera
click here for lyrics )

Remember, three icons per theme and you may use the same theme thrice. ♥ Your icons will be due on May 28th at 11PM EST.

Submission Format;
Icon URL:

Voting for Week Fifty-six is right here!