Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum/Hunter/Michi/Sera/Rath/Sam/everyone at homcoming @ 11:41 pm

[info]thedirtysouth commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

The first thing that her eyes landed on was the homecoming court dancing in the center of the room, more specifically, how Sam was looking at Tatum with that sappy smile of his. Mack stood motionless for a few moments watching them dance, it was like the world was falling out from under her. The way that they were looking at each other was enough to make her sick right there, and she couldn't even begin to think about the way that he was holding her. Letting out a territorial growl, she gripped the bottle tighter and kept watching, her anger building up inside of her until she couldn't take it anymore. That was the girl that she loved out there, the girl that she had decided that she would do anything for, the one that she brought flowers to and would call back after the first date. The one that she would actually date, and not just sleep with and then disappear from.

Bottle still clenched tightly in her fist, she walked right up to where the couples were dancing and pushed her way through the crowd. "Well, well, well," She slurred loudly, crossing her arms in front of her and swaying slightly. It was taking a lot of her concentration to just stay upright at this point. She stumbled slightly, holding her long arms out to steady herself before continuing. "Y'all just look so fuckin' cozy, I bet daddy would be so proud right now. Y-you, you got your little boy toy and everything! Just the fucking picture of heterosexual perfection!" She took another swig from her bottle, spilling some of the amber liquid on her arm. She took a stumbling step forward and gave Sam a small shove away from Tatum, glaring daggers at him. "Is this what ya wanted T? Is this what makes you happy?" She yelled, pointing at Sam with her hand that still held the rum bottle.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry