Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 03:43 pm

[info]michimonster posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Michiko, Yori, Mika, and later on Headmaster Sato
Setting: Thanksgiving dinner, Michiko's family home in New Orleans
Rating: NSFW
Summary: Michi drops the bomb

Michiko had prepared herself for the worst. She had been squirrelling away money that her mother was giving her for clothes, gas, and food for the baby. She was almost positive that she was going to get kicked out of her mother's house so as soon as she came home for Thanksgiving dinner she packed up everything valuable in the room that she had grown up in and hid it in her closet, at least she would be ready. Where she would go? She wasn't entirely sure yet.

She sat in her room with Yori, reading him books for most of the day until they were called to dinner. They sat in an uneasy silence while they ate together. She knew she would have to tell her mother soon and she figured it was better to get it done by the end of this vacation but she was still holding back, trying to stave it off for as long as she could.

"Michiko, there's no hiding it," Mika said, snapping Michiko out of her own thoughts.

Michiko looked up guiltily but she steeled her nerves.

"You're getting fat," Mika said blandly across the table. "It's probably that girlfriend of yours. I head there was a study done where lesbians were fatter because they let themselves go because their more comfortable with each other."

She was relieved that Mika hadn't caught on to the pregnancy bit yet but she hid the relief by rolling her eyes. "That's bullshit."

"I thought you took pride in your body Michiko. Isn't that a part of your barbaric sport? Don't you have to stay fit for that? You would think the only thing you've been eating since September is cookies and cakes," she rambled on.

"Momma, stop. You're making Cocoa upset," Yori tried to interject.

"Your sister needs the truth Yori. She's blowing up like a blimp," Mika said without taking her eyes off her daughter. "You need to go on a diet, the last thing you should be doing is eating a huge Thanksgiving meal. Starting tomorrow it's salads. Fruit salad for breakfast, lettuce, celery, and tomato for lunch and breakfast..."

"Shut up," Michiko said. She took a piece of turkey and ate it messily and then slopped some more potatoes onto her plate and started eating with vigor. "I'll eat whatever I damn please," she said with her mouth full.

"Michiko Anna Passos!" Mika said, a little surprise in her normally emotionless voice. "You're eating like a barbarian!"

"Get used to it," she said through a mouth full of potatoes and turkey.

"Michiko! Stop this instant!" Mika stood up from her seat. "This is just ridiculous!"

Michiko grinned. "You're ridiculous," she said.

"It's not my fault your getting fat!"

"No! It's not! And I'm not getting fat! I'm pregnant you dumb bitch!" Michiko sat back, surprised at herself. She looked at Yori, who's wide eyes said it all. "I'm sorry Yor," she said quietly.

"You're WHAT?!" Mika shouted.

"Pregnant..." Michiko said.

"Oh. Oh great Michiko! Like I haven't said it time and time again! Having a child while I was in school almost ruined my life!"

"Yeah," Michiko said getting up from the table. "Yeah I know I ruined everything," she pushed in her chair forcefully and started to walk away.

"Is Pascual the father?" Mika asked. The question had her blood turn cold. If she told the truth she knew that her mother would go running her mouth and she couldn't have that. Pascual would have nothing to do with this baby. Hunter and she had been talking about how they were going to keep him away and the story was simple enough. It was another man.

Michiko turned, her chin raised high. "No. He's not. His name is Benjamin."

"And when did you have time to go get pregnant by another boy?!"

"It was just a fling," Michiko lied. "It happened in between Pas and Hunter."

"And how does your girlfriend feel about this?" Mika asked haughtily.

"Hunter supports me and she's there for me and she loves me no matter what," Michiko felt warm tears splash onto her cheeks. "If we have to do this by ourselves, which we probably will, then so be it. I don't care what you think anymore, this is my decision and I'm never going to make my Monkey feel the way you made me feel!"

"Oh, so you think parenting is going to be that easy? You think you're going to fix all the mistakes I made?" she asked coolly. "You think you can do this on your own?"

"I'm not even going to compare myself to you," Michiko said proudly. "You're an example of what not to do."

"Get out Michiko," she said coldly. "Get out of my house and don't you dare come back. And don't even think about asking for money to help raise this fucking disgarce," her voice cracked for the first time Michiko could ever remember.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Mika," Michiko stormed away from the table and straight to her room where her things were packed up and ready to go. She pulled her things out behind her and blew through the dining room where Mika was silently sitting at the table staring across the room at nothing in particular. Michiko stopped and looked at Yori, he was crying.

"Cocoa, don't go," he pleaded.

"Don't talk to that slut Yori," Mika snapped.

"Please Cocoa, don't go," he cried.

Michiko's tears flowed more freely as she looked at her brother. "Come here," she said motioning him over.

Yori was out of his chair faster than Michi thought possible. He ran straight to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his face to her stomach. Michi squeezed him as tight as she could, then put her hands on his face so he would look at her. "I love you little Yor," she said firmly. "This has nothing to do with you baby brother," she kissed his forehead. "I have to go."

She untied a little bracelet from her wrist and tied it around his. "Don't you never let anyone take this from ya. I aint never gonna leave ya little brother."

"Okay," he pulled his long sleeve over the bracelet so no one else would see it and try to take it away from him.

"I love you Yori," she gave him one more squeeze.

"I love you too Cocoa," he said sniffling as his big sister gathered her bags and went straight to the fireplace.

With one last look at her childhood home she took a deep breath then used the floo network to get herself and her stuff back to the University housing building where she sat in the common room for a while, just reminding herself to breathe. It would be okay, she had Hunter and all their friends, they were going to be okay. When she dared look at her watch it was only 6:45. "Well shit," she said. There was still enough time to have pie with little Ichirou.

She forced herself out of the chair and wiped her eyes one last time. With a levitating charm she brought her things to her room and left them there so she would have time to walk to the headmaster's quarters. It didn't take long before she was there. There weren't too many people who had remained on campus, just the usuals; a couple single staff members, a few orphans, and a couple kids who business type parents. She felt a little out of place but entirely welcome at the same time as she walked through the small dining room. There was an empty place right next to the headmaster, a slice of her favorite pie, pecan, already sitting there. He nodded to her and patted the seat.

"Hi," she said timidly.

"Hi Miss Passos," he said cheerfully. "I wondered if I might see you tonight. I had the preparations made just in case."

"How did you know?" she asked taking the seat. "And Michi, please call me Michi."

"I had a little help," he looked across the table to Maryanne Davies, who smiled warmly and nodded back. He put his hand over his mouth and said just quietly enough to Michiko to hear "I wasn't sure how accurate she was going to be considering her track record," they both laughed.

"Well... thanks," she said staring at the slice of pecan pie. "I really needed it."

"Well Michi, I'm only glad to help. Now eat your pie and then you can tell me what has you running all the way back to Georgia."

"Alright," she felt somewhat like a child, it was strange that Ichirou had made her feel that way considering all the times in the past where he had been patronized by everyone around him. It never got to him though, he always pulled through and lead the school in the best direction. She thought about all this as she was eating her pie, finally pushing the plate away she looked up. "How do you do it?"

"What?" he asked sitting back.

"Run this place when there are so many people against you."

He shrugged. "I knew coming into this position that it was going to be difficult but the former headmaster said that I was meant to be here. I believe he is right about that, so no matter what happens, I must always come through for the school and the students here. I will not shy away from my duties," he said firmly. "Because that is not the kind of person that I am. And neither are you Michi."

She looked downcast. "I feel like I've failed in so many ways."

"Do not berate yourself, you're far more courageous than that," he looked at her knowingly. "Being a parent..."

"How did you know?" she whispered.

"Doctor Lisi warned me that there was a University student who was expecting, you resigned your post from the quodpot team only a week later," he put his hand over hers. "It was easy to put all the pieces together. Do not fear Michi, I have to told anyone else but I want you to know you have the full faculty support no matter what happens or what you chose to do."

She nodded and wiped a tear away from her cheek. "I'm so scared though," she said quietly. "I didn't mean for this to happen but... but I already love this little Monkey and I wanna take care of it... him... her," she laughed at herself. "I know it's stupid and I know it's gonna be hard but... I aint never felt so sure about somethin' in my life."

Ichirou nodded. "And Pascual?"

"He doesn't know," she said shortly. "And he never will. Hunter and I... we're gonna do this together. We have a plan..."

He nodded. "And I'm assuming it's way out of the legal boundaries of muggle and magical law?"

Michi looked guilty and Ichirou smiled. "I think it is for the best that he remain unaware. He is not good," Ichirou said. "He would ruin your life."

Michiko nodded. "I know," she said. "I don't know why I was with him in the first place... he would hurt this baby. So I had to cut him off."

"Good," Ichirou said cheerfully. "Hunter will make a most excellent father," he grinned.

Michi couldn't help but laugh. "I know," she wiped another tear. "I don't think I could do this without her and I certainly wouldn't go crawling back to Pas, what a douche."

Ichirou laughed. "Yes, he is quite a douche," then he giggled. "Don't tell the others I used that word," he said with a conspiriatorial smile.

"Don't worry Ichi, I got your back," she patted his shoulder. "You're a really good guy Ichi. In fact, if I were like ten years older I would totally chase after you."

"Michi, my dear, you would give me a heart attack," he said sweetly. "Hunter and you are perfectly well matched. You will be good parents." Ichirou gave her shoulder a good squeeze. "How about another piece of pecan pie. I hear it is a Southern delicacy."

"I could go for another piece. Don't judge me Ichi."

"I will not," Ichirou said. "You are eating for two now," he gave her a wink.

"Thanks," she said as another piece of pie appeared in front of her. "I could use it after the day I've had."

"You will always have a home here at Blue Ridge, you know that right?"

"I do," she said, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. They spent the rest of the evening in gentle conversation, enjoying the evening. After a while they said their good nights and Michi headed off toward the door. "Oh, Michi!" the headmaster called to her. "Give hunter a call, she might need you."

"Okay," Michiko nodded. "I will."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry