Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Alex/Samir @ 05:16 pm

[info]softlysoftly commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

One day down, one to go. Today had been a lot less taxing than yesterday for Samir, not being tied to a table. He'd actually quite enjoyed all the free food the cheffy students were handing out but the Alumini drinks had been tedious at best. At least it was over now and tomorrow would be something very exciting. In fact, it was so exciting that Samir had to leave his room to stop from pacing, instead grabbing a pack of cigarettes and heading outside. He was near Shenandoah and wrapped up in his own thoughts so much that he didn't even notice a student until he was practically running her down.

Frowning a little he looked down at the girl. He'd enevr caught a student smoking before but considering his own lit cigarette dangling from his lips, he'd feel a little ridiculous handing out any punishments. "Sorry" he muttered, side stepping Alex a little and intending to head off.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry