Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 5th, 2011

(no subject) @ 12:53 am


Characters: Michi & NPC
Setting: Michi's room, Sunday night
Rating: NSFW, cussin
Summary: Pascual stops in for a visit

Michiko had finally earned a little bit of quiet time after all the running around she had to do. Between getting her things organized, studying, going to class, working in the library, and going to more doctor appointments than she knew possible, it was a miracle she found time to breath. Just as she was settling in with Tiger to watch some mindless television, her door handle began to jiggle. She looked over suspiciously, her eyes narrowing. Then came the knock.

She sighed deeply, there was really only one person she wanted to see at the moment, and if it wasn't her, she was going to be pissed. Opening the door, her stomach dropped. Fear gripped her and she pushed her body against the door as if being closer to it would protect her from him. "What do you want?" she asked darkly, trying not to let him see or hear her fear.

Pascual's eyes narrowed and he cleared his throat. "You're pregnant," he said simply.

"Yeah and you're a fuckin' rocket scientist for figuring it out," she said bitingly.

"And when did you plan on telling me Michiko? Cause last time I checked, as manly as your bitch might be, she couldn't get you pregnant."

"Don't you dare call Hunter a bitch," she said venomously.

"Did you really think you could hide it from me?" he asked stepping closer.

Michiko, in a brash moment, threw her door open, completely exposed she looked at him proudly. "I aint hidin' from no one and I'll tell you right now. This baby, he aint yours and I don't wanna see your face around here again. You're not to come near my son. Got it?"

Pascual stared her down, unshaken and smirking. "Real cute Mich," he said in a low voice. "Lyin' about who's baby it is. I aint stupid. I can do math you crazy bitch."

"But do you trust me?" she asked quirking an eyebrow. "Did you ever trust me?" she smirked then and poked him hard in the chest. "He's not your son. He never was and he never will be."

He seemed slightly cowed, backing down and taking a step away. "You're no fuckin' good. You never were," he mumbled. "Just tell me one thing. Who the fuck is it?"

"A muggle named Benjamin."

"And you found the time to fuck with him when you were with me?"

"After you, before Hunter," she shrugged. The lies rolled off her tongue easily.

"You know what? I'm fuckin' lucky to be rid of you and your baby. I don't even care if it is mine..."

"You do," she interrupted him. "You do care because it would be one more thing for you to hold over my head. "I'm the lucky one Pas, I really am," her lips were shaking and her heart was beating hard in her chest. She couldn't believe she had lied her way out of this, she was so happy she thought she was going to jump up and down and scream as soon as he left.

Pascual's eyes narrowed once more and he shook his head. "Whatever. I hope you have a fuckin' hell of a time with your baby daddy and your butchy girlfriend." He turned his back on her and started to walk away.

"You know what I have a hard time believing Pas?" she asked. He turned back and looked at her blankly. Warm tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt like she might be sick. "I can't believe I ever cared about you."

He didn't say anything, just gave her an uncomfortable look as if she had poked him too hard, then walked away. Michi walked back into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She gasped for air as she leaned against the closed door. She was free of him and he wouldn't bother her or the baby or Hunter again. She just couldn't believe how easy it was to lie to him, when it came to the paperwork, that would be hard to cover up but they would come to it when they came to it.

For now all she had to worry about was catching her breath.
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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry