Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 10:57 pm

[info]texasranger posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Hunter & Michi.
Setting: Christmas day in the Dubinsky household; Plano, Texas.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Christmas time is obviously always an excuse to write something mindlessly cute! Mom & pops relax after a long day of celebrating.

Overall, Hunter didn't really have any complaints about the day. She hadn't been to her own house for more than a few hours at a time, something that had surprisingly offended her mother quite a bit. She had seemingly planned some sort of dinner that Hunter was meant to attend on the 23rd, but she had managed to squirm her way out and hadn't really left Mack's house or Michi's side since. When Christmas eve rolled around, her mother was apparently no longer speaking to her, which was all of the more reason to settle in for the long haul.

Kate, despite all of her rudeness toward Mack most of the time, had never hesitated to let the taller blonde know that she was welcome. Hell, since they had been about seven it was just common fact that the guest room situated in between Kia and Mack's bedrooms was more of her room than a real guest room anyway. The bed even had the same Cowboys sheets that she had liked to sleep in since then, too. It was plenty spacious in there and there was no trouble fitting both her and Mich in there over the break, something she was glad about. She hadn't been able to wait to get away from school and the people talking. She could take it, but the way it upset Michi had her on edge all of the time, ready to snap at anyone who even dared to give the younger girl a strange look.

It was good to be home, even if it was Mack's house. That was much closer to home anyway, always had been, and she was glad to share it with Michiko. Seeing Mack happy was great too, even if Tatum's presence wasn't really under the best circumstances, the little nerd wasn't so bad and she made her best friend smile in a sappy way that Hunter had never seen before. She had a feeling it was too similar to her own sappy grin for comfort.

Spending the morning with everyone had been a lot more fun than Christmas morning at her own house would have been, and she had been glad to spend most of the time drinking and trying out Mack's new Kinect sports game, and spending the whole day in her pajamas. Eating and being lazy was what the day was about, and making sure that Michi was having fun. She knew that it was easy to be away from her own family at Christmas, and she knew her girlfriend certainly wouldn't be missing her mother or step-father, but Yori was another story. She hadn't been able to breach the subject yet, but she figured she would bring it up eventually and then they would do what needed to be done. She wasn't opposed to going with the other girl and forcing their way in to see him, if it came to that.

It was just after dinner before the blonde grew tired of video games and stuffing her face with Christmas chocolates. Kate had wandered off somewhere, Kia was out visiting, and Mack and Tatum had already gone off to be alone or whatever new couples were all about doing, and playing against herself just wasn't the same. Heaving a huge sigh, the lanky blonde made her way over to the sofa and flopped onto it dramatically, scooting up to her head was resting in Michi's lap. "Havin' a good day? I told ya I make good turkey, an' I didn't even have to put real pants on to do it," she grinned.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry