Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 06:45 pm

[info]michimonster posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Awwww," Michi cooed. "She won't look like a sad kitten," she giggled. She didn't know how they were going to do it but they had gotten through bigger hoops in the past. They would find a way and until then there would be wedding magazines and tons of planning.

Michi obliged, snuggling up close to Hunter as they sat back down on the bed together. "Sera can totally wear a dress though if anyone could rock the Clinton pantsuit it would totally be Ser," she laughed. "We need to get one of those check lists! Oh my god we're gonna have a million check lists," she laughed. "One of the wedding, one for Monkey, one for post-baby work outs," she laughed. "I do love check lists though," she rambled.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry