Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 01:23 pm

[info]texasranger posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

If she had been in the mood to crack a joke or a smile, Hunter would have again pointed out that Pascual's insults missed the mark. Hell, it was sort of why she and Mack wanted to be aurors so bad.. they wouldn't be really super, but the hero part would do. "Like fuckin' Wonder Woman on your ass," she assured him, expression deadpan.

She let out a low whistle of admiration as Michi struck him, and she noted his bleeding lip seem to intensify. "Atta girl," the blonde encouraged her, still holding his shirt. His struggling against her grip was great, and she reached out to grab on with her second hand as well. She pulled him closer, barely wincing as he finally got her, one of his fists connecting solidly with the side of her head.

"Mad, huh? Don't like a real taste of your own medicine?" she asked seriously, deciding to shake him violently twice by the front of his shirt. "Huh!? Don't like it when bitches hit back, do ya?"

Shoving him away from herself, Hunter stepped back and raised her fists, ready for a real fight. "She ain't your girl, so this is your last chance to piss off 'fore I break your legs," she only half-joked.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry