Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 02:34 pm

[info]texasranger posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Though she had somewhat begun to outgrow her penchant for solving problems with her fists, Hunter still believed situations existed where there was no other solution. Pascual had hurt Michi, and she was going to hurt him, an eye for an eye so to speak. She hoped that getting his ass tanned by a girl, even if she was an Amazon, would leave him shamed enough to know how it felt.

"That's what she fuckin' said, buddy!" Hunter crowed as Michi chimed in with her own threat. She gave the other girl a nudge with her elbow, though she fists stayed up. "Fair warnin' before I get wild, right?"

Her whole body felt like it was vibrating with anticipation, just the one punch and a little shaking around was nearly justice enough. God help him, she decided, if he tried to make a grab for the girl standing at her side. It was time for him to pick on someone his own size.

"C'mon pussy, I don't get all night here!" she taunted him a little smugly.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry