Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 04:48 pm

[info]michimonster commented on [info]texasranger's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Pascual felt the color leaving his face, he had never been so scared in his life. The Texan was angry and there really was no telling what she was capable of when she was that pissed off. He stumbled when she pushed him back and tried to scramble for his wand when he saw that Hunter had hers at the ready. Fuck me, he thought as it dawned on him that he had left it in his room. "Michiko, gimme your wand," he demanded.

"Sure," she grinned pulling her wand out of the waistband of her shorts. Without any warning she flicked it with malice without saying a word. Pascual reeled back as if he had been smashed in the face by a giant swarm of bees. He slapped at his own face, trying to ward of the invisible stinging sensation on his skin.

"You fucking bitch!" Pascual yelled, again swinging wildly. He barely caught Michiko's cheek with a weak back hand.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry