Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 05:29 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]samtaro's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Tatum had been incredibly focused on her task, her head down and her teeth gritted as she continued to pull herself along, slowly but surely. She weighed next to nothing, but right now, dragging her legs was more of a struggle than trying to lift a car or something. Breathing heavily, only worsening as she continued to push herself physically and mentally both, the redhead just tried to think about her goal. She was bleeding awfully, she didn't think all of the moving was helping. Mack might be mad at her for wandering outside, but she would get help. She'd know what to do, she just had to get herself to her first.

When she heard Michi's voice, she was sure that it had to be her own imagination. Struggling to lift her head to look up at the other girl, she quickly gave up and just stayed still, spitting a mouthful of blood as far away from herself as she could get. "I d-don't.. I d-don't w-wanna die, p-please don't let me d-die," she managed to gasp out, looking up finally at Michi as she came closer, right beside her now. Her brain was still muddled, full of pain and worry and everything else, and once more she saw her vision swimming, but it was real. It was really Michi and she was really here. She'd know what to do.

But when Michi told her what she had to do, Tatum was already whimpering in pain and shaking her head as best she could. "N-No, it h-hurts, it.. I c-can't, please, I can't d-do it," she pleaded, her breathing feeling suddenly more laboured again. Just the thought of the pain she had put herself through to turn over was excruciating. So much as she cried though, she didn't fight it, letting the older girl pull her head into her lap. She closed her eyes, shaking and bracing herself. When Michi finally began to turn her again, white-hot pain shot through her back like mad, making her scream loudly again. It felt like her whole back was flayed open. "I.. I r-really l-liked this sweater," she gasped, once the turning was done and she was staring up at Michi with half-lidded eyes. She was in and out, the pain was definitely going to black her out soon, but not soon enough.

She barely contained another cry of pain as she reached up, shakily, pressing a hand against her own shoulder in a half-hearted attack to stop the blood pouring from there. It felt like half of the damn shoulder was gone. How was she going to recover from this? She didn't even want Mack to see her this way, the more she thought about it. She was such a mess, and it was her own fault. She had been warned. It was her own fault she was in this mess, just like it had been her fault when Frankie had died. She had caused that mess as well. Maybe she deserved to die. "I w-was-- I-I am gonna d-die, aren't I?" she asked, coughing suddenly and groaning as she did. It sent agony through her whole body, rocking her with it.

"I just.. I w-wanna see.. I wanna s-see Frankie, I c-can't f-fight it-- Michi, it hurts, I just.. I'm g-gonna die, I k-know I am. I w-wanna see her," she groaned, only half making sense. "Y-You have to.. y-you have to go, there's a.. he m-might come back, p-please."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry