Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 05:56 pm

[info]michimonster commented on [info]samtaro's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"I aint gonna letcha die honey," she said even though tears were running wildly down her cheeks. She gently rubbed Tatum's cheek with her thumb. "Now you just hush that nonsense," she knew she had to stop bleeding. This was really the only chance she had to save the other girl. "Look how far ya came?" she said following the bloody trail from where Tatum had presumably fallen. Sure she didn't know what it was yet but something had torn her apart.

"That bitch is gonna hafta wait, ya hear me? She gonna hafta wait until yer old and wrinkly cause we got plans Tate. You're gonna be my roommate and yer gonna teach me that pokeymon game," she tried to sound brave despite her tears. "And you're gonna wear a cute little dress in my wedding, got that? You aint dyin', not tonight," she dug in her pocket for her wand and pulled it out.

"I aint leavin you here," she said determined before she got to work. A quick siphoning spell showed her the major injuries. There were two long and deep gashes in her shoulder and some pretty nasty scratches all over her torso. She focused all her energy into the spell "vulnera sanentur." She repeated it like a song over Tatum's shoulder until the skin began to knit back together leaving angry little pink patches.

"Good, we're looking good Tatum," she said moving to the gash above her jeans. Michi made quick work of stopping the bleeding but she had already lost so much blood. She knew Tatum had to get to the hospital and she had to get there as soon as possible. "Okay honey, the bleedin's stopped. I'm gonna put you in my car and we're gonna get ya to the hospital. Ya need bleed. Y'all were bleedin' all over the parking lot."

She pointed her wand at her car and flicked it once, the car doors flew open. "We aint too far away. I'm gonna carry ya." It got tricky as Michi positioned herself to lift the girl off the ground. She wasn't big at all so that wouldn't be a problem, even if she was pregnant, though she was sure to get a lot of hell for it. With all the effort she had, she lifted Tatum off the ground, cradling her carefully against her own body so as not to cause further injury.

It was an almost tedious trudge to the car but she got there and set the smaller girl inside. "You're gonna be alright little Tatum, don't you worry," Michi said reclining the seat. She was quick to get into the other side of the car and she started driving like a maniac toward the Bluebell Hospital.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry