Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Open House @ 06:42 pm

[info]blueridgemod posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Blue Ridge Campus, Friday March 9- Sunday March 11
Content: NSFW, there's bound to be a fight and language
Summary: Open house for fundraising

So far the return to school had gone off without a hitch. Ichirou was careful not to get too comfortable. He knew better than that. But still, they needed to fundraise for the school, the more fundraising they did, the better their school trips and facilities were. With a few volunteers the whole campus was transformed for open house, much like it had been for parents weekend.

There were plenty of sports events. Friday night was the quodpot match between Shenandoah and Quirank. Saturday afternoon there were quidditch games. Sunday morning the fields were reserved for the muggle sports teams to show off what they had been learning. An array of clubs had set up displays and even some of the professors had convinced students to let their work be showcased. The more bragging rights, the better.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry