Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 06:42 pm

[info]whipandchill posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Charlie watched as Jenny inspected her, aware of the surprise that the older girl felt when she realized that the taller blonde was behind her. Her heart rate had quickened momentarily, and Charlie could hear it starting to slow as Jenny continued to talk to her. She grimaced in response to the older girl's question. A part of her deep down had hoped that Jenny hadn't heard about the fighting, but everyone had. Most of the spectators in the stands today had given her a wide berth. Not that she minded, of course, she really didn't feel like interacting with most people.

"You could call it that," Charlie replied, a small frown on her face. "They were asking for it, Jen. I gave them fair warning to leave me alone." It was partially the truth. She had told Michi to get out of her way or she'd make her. She had issued a similar threat to Hunter as well. No one listened though, and she had really been left no choice.

"I suppose it just got out of hand," she finished with a small shrug. Charlie was torn between how human Charlie had felt about Jenny and how vampire Charlie felt. Alex had told her just go kill the little blonde bitch as revenge. She couldn't deny that there was a feral place in her mind that was egging her on to do just that. Jenny just looked so...tasty.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry