Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Hunter/Michi @ 12:00 am

[info]texasranger commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Hunter was never one to turn down punch, especially at a dance where it stood a good chance of being spiked, and naturally she had been amused by the body swapping spell that came along with it. Even though she had only switched her body with Michi, it had been enough to keep her amused for the evening, and she even used the opportunity to hit on Mack, just to see what she would do. Her friend's face had been priceless, and the fact that she was in Michi's body was probably the only thing that saved Hunter from getting the crap beat out of her for the joke.

By the time that the dance was over and things were winding down, the spell was wearing off for most people, Michi and Hunter included. It was Hunter's idea to leave Izzy with his auntie Mack, her second surprise for her friend that night, but she promised that they wouldn't be long. It wasn't often that she and Michi got moments alone anymore, and she had to take advantage of any chance she got. Tonight had been nice, and she wanted to make it nicer.

She wasn't phased by how dark the grounds were, or the light fog that seemed to circle their feet as they got closer to the woods. She knew that the woods weren't necessarily safe, but she could handle it. Her wand was on her if she needed it, but nothing had ever bothered her out there in the past, and it wasn't a full moon. They'd be fine. "Scared, ain'tcha?" Hunter teased, as she stopped them suddenly in their pace. They had been making their way along a familiar path through the woods, to a place they often had parties during the year. It was empty tonight, but they were only half way there. She was grinning devilishly, her eyebrows raised at her fiancee. "Don't worry, baby, I'll protect you," she informed her, pushing Michi back against one of the trees behind her.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry