Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 08:47 pm

[info]texasranger posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Hunter & Michiko.
Setting: Michi's Room [101], early Wednesday morning.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Hunter comes to a surprisingly mature decision about her future.

She hadn't really been able to put her fingers on exactly when the situation entirely sunk in for her, became reality, but somewhere in the middle of the night, it happened. Jolting awake and seeing her clock, reading quarter past four, the tall girl hadn't been able to get back to sleep. She just laid there for a while, arms folded behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. She had been dreaming about something, but it was all fuzzy now other than the fact that her parents had been there. That alone was enough to tell her that it probably hadn't been a pleasant dream, but there had been.. something. It didn't feel like a bad dream.

Her conversation with Mack had been enlightening, and though it hadn't solved the problem, it had helped. She knew what she needed to do, it was merely a matter of working up the words and the courage to express them. Courage was never usually something the blonde ran short on, but when it came to putting her heart on her sleeve, that was different. She knew that she had to go and see Michi, she felt pretty bad about waiting so long already, even though it hadn't really been so long.

There was no running away from it anymore. Hell, she was tired of running from it. The situation wasn't ideal but it wasn't changing. Her brain kept moving and coming up with worries and stress, but it wasn't going to change anything. Michi was having the baby, and whatever happened would happen, and there was really nothing she could do about it. She could stress until her head exploded, but all that she could really do was be at her girlfriend's side, and let her know that she would support her no matter what. It wouldn't be easy to voice that kind of tenderness, but if Michi needed it, Hunter could haul it out of herself kicking and screaming.

By the time that she kicked the covers back from her bed, doing a couple of sit-ups before actually rising from the mattress, it was just a little before five. It was still too early to go and wake the younger girl up, but she had a few other things to do first anyway. If she was going to do this, she intended to go about it right. There would only be one chance, she doubted she could muster up the sentimentality to do it a second time. She would go and tell the other girl everything she had to say, and everything Michi needed to hear. Hopefully word wouldn't get around that she was entirely soft.

Bounding down the steps and into the house kitchens, the blonde fixed herself an extremely quick breakfast, not really feeling like eating all that much for once. Killing more time after that, she went for a run, enjoying how the repetitive motion cleared her head. By the time that she came back to her room to shower and change, the sun was just starting to come up and she still hadn't done the one thing that she planned to do. She grabbed the keys to her truck from where they were buried under some trash on her desk and headed out.

It was around eight when Hunter returned to the campus, finding it to be pretty dead. Classes had already started for the day for the majority of people, but the blonde had a feeling that she would find Michi in her room. Heading back into the university dormitories, the tall girl held a shopping bag hooked on her arm and a cup of coffee in her other hand. From her mouth, there was still half of a bagel hanging out, a late edition to breakfast that she had picked up while she was out. Nervous as she was, she could only let it effect her appetite for so long. She was a growing girl. No, a growing parent... kind of. Close enough that the thought made her stomach clench uncomfortably.

Nearing Michiko's door, the blonde didn't even bother to knock as she using her semi-free hand to wiggle the knob a bit, nudging it the rest of the way open with a little bump of her hip. "Senior skip day!" she announced loud, around the half of a bagel still clenched in her teeth, and using her butt to bump the door closed on the other side once she was into the room. Moving over to the other girl's desk, she put down the bag as well as the coffee, finally taking the bagel out of her open mouth and holding it normally instead. She flopped into the chair, legs crossing. "But seein' as neither of us is seniors no more, guess it's jus' a regular skip day," she went on, trying to keep up a smile and some banter, just like she would normally do. Her smile was a bit weak, but definitely loads better than the day before. Most of the shock was over, and with a clear head, she felt she was ready to tackle what was ahead of her.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry